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Sunday, May 12, 2013


A year to the day after kicking off his re-election campaign at Ohio State University, President Barack Obama returned to the college campus and told graduates that only through vigorous participation in their “democracy” can they right an ill-functioning government and break through relentless cynicism about the nation’s future.

“I dare you, Class of 2013, to do better. I dare you to do better,” Obama said.

In a sunbaked stadium filled with more than 57,000 students, friends and relatives, Obama lamented an American political system that gets consumed by “small things” and works for the benefit of society’s elite. He called graduates to duty to “accomplish great things,” like rebuilding a still-feeble economy and fighting poverty and climate change.



  1. The sooner this corrupt pathological Marxist is removed from office the better.

  2. The problem is that most of them believe him. Most college students today, can't get a job. Not because there are no jobs out there, it's because they have no common sense.

  3. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." said the Wizard of OZ.

  4. What he fsils to enlighten them with is socialism does not work

  5. Any history major sitting in that audience is chuckling under their breath. So obviously socialist.

  6. He gives Ohio State University a bad name and right now I am ashamed to say I am an alumnus of that university.

  7. He is lining up his brown shirts like Hitler.

  8. ha ha, always have to laugh at you clowns who go into an uproar over a single sentence with no regard for the entire speech, or even just 95% of the rest of the excerpt shown in this story.

  9. He should of told them the truth. Have fun paying of those student loans , have fun trying to find a job, have fun moving back home with your parents. Yes your chances of being on goverment assistance are great, so remember you are now a slave to the goverment so vote Democrat .

  10. 7:09 I have listened to his entire speech many different times and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand this one sentence is truly the tone he injects in ALL his speeches.

    You my friend are the fool.

  11. Anonymous said...
    ha ha, always have to laugh at you clowns who go into an uproar over a single sentence with no regard for the entire speech, or even just 95% of the rest of the excerpt shown in this story.

    May 6, 2013 at 7:09 AM

    Ha, ha, ha! I always have to laugh at you clowns who voted for the Muslim the first time and then again the second time. You Kool Aid drinkers will jump off a cliff for the Kenyan. You people are to stupid to realize the Muslim preys on college students who are young, gullible and naïve. That was his MO during the election and it worked. Most universities are liberal think tanks who he is welcomed with open arms and it is a combination of you future socialist Kool Aid drinkers that have ruined this country.

  12. "Watch my right hand...my left hand isn't doing anything behind your back." If you can't see what he is doing, you're part of the problem.

  13. "kool aid drinker", "Obama is a muslim". sooo original. Why didn't you throw in a "libtard" for good measure? lol

  14. Not just Muslims, they didn't come up with that idea.
    It is directly out of the Communist Manifesto, the writings of Karl Marx.
    What do you think the Obama campaign team is doing at this very minute?
    Axelrod is strategizing implementation of the Marxist principles they hold so dear to their hearts, the corruption of young minds through the teachers unions. (the ones that are socialists and communist sympathizers)

  15. 7:09, I voted for Obama the first time around and I can read and listen just fine.

    Our Founding Fathers warned against our own government, the one that they created, stating we should always be vigilant lest it become the tyranny they sought to escape.

    I agree with Obama's call to civic engagement in one form or another. But it angers me that he can turn away from the transparency he promised, that he can talk about our government as being so good when it has tested chemicals on our own soldiers.

    Skepticism is HEALTHY for our democracy. I found his focus to be very divisive, encouraging our to "not listen to different voices (opinions)." That is very UN-democratic to me and I have been so disappointed in Obama I chose to write in another name. I am certainly not alone in that.

  16. 8:40 pm has it right! "Pay no attention..."

  17. isn't it ironic that our founding fathers warned us to be on the watch for tyranny in our government; now Obama is warning the "mush minded" students not to listen to "those voices" that are watching out and warning citizens about tyranny in our government?

    7:09, clueless, government educated, low information voter. actually please tell me you don't vote or multiply.

  18. Sadly 7:09 is too often the case in this country, but how can you blame them! Our government has lied incessantly for decades. The people who benefit from govt bank bailouts, military contracts, non compete government contracts, and the offshore banking oligarchy control our media and entertainment and have people brainwashed. 7:09 I would encourage you to check out a few of Adolph Hitlers speeches from around 1936 or 1937 to about 1940. Please educate yourself by doing a little of your own research and stop trusting CNN, MSNBC, and Obama for their spin and not the truth.

  19. 12:12, if the definition of "low informatin" is one who actually looks at the entire text, not just a selected phrase, then I consider myself guilty as charged. If you actually looked at whats being said, you might see that you agree with most of the speech.

  20. 1:40 I would encourage you read the communist manifesto and read hitler speeches circa 1938 or so, and compare to this and several other recent Obama speeches. Individual freedom is the foundation of our constitutional republic. That's right, not democracy, constitutional republic with states that are united.

  21. My question is why he brought that subject up and commented on it. Looks to me that he has a premeditated plan. Those thoughts were just placed into the thoughts of his audience. I truly believe there will be Marshal Law in this Country before Obama is out of office.


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