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Sunday, May 05, 2013

O'Malley Casts Corruption Case In Positive Light

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley is casting the recently announced corruption case in a Baltimore jail in a positive light by saying it represents a strong step toward fighting gang crime.

O'Malley described it Tuesday as "a very positive achievement" in the state's fight to dismantle gangs.

The governor says he became aware of an investigation into corruption involving prison guards last spring. He says he told state officials to give federal partners everything they ask for to make the case. O'Malley also says "there are other actions taking place even as I speak."



  1. Excellent damage control... NOT!

  2. Put a large pile of horse pucky on top and the voters will eat it like a sandwich!

    Good God....

  3. The omalley voters you mean 5:15. A lot of people were and are way too smart to have ever fallin' for his BS.

  4. They knew about this last spring and let it go on for a year????

  5. Putting a positive spin on state corruption?? State corruption is running wild around the state and here locally in Salisbury.

    You can't put a positive spin on lying, cheating, violence, fraud, and the misappropriation of funds.

    This just tells everyone what kind of character this man has and it proves from his own mouth he has none just like his little buddy obama.

  6. King o'malley. He is a legend in his own mind.

  7. What a dipshit! Why doesn't he just start taxing gangs?

  8. Sad part is it was going on when he was Mayor

  9. 5-1-13
    O`malley is jockying for the Pres job. HE APPOINTED THE COMMISSIONER OF CORRECTIONS! This shows the public HOW MUCH HE KNOWS about the job HE`S DOING.
    God bless the NRA and ALL the other factions, organizations, and people who ARE GOING TO VOTE this time so we don`t end up with a WHITE OWEBAMA!!!

    Bob Aswell`

  10. To Gov. MOM. I have a positive light for you. Do you wish to know where to put it?

  11. To me, these people are not to be admired, for they are just sinning and creating evil over to America. Small countries look up to us because we're so "great." They'll think homosexuality is "okay." America needs to change because we're just causing more evil and being wicked with our ways. There's a verse in the bible, I forgot what chapter and verse it was, but it states that everyone has the right to live as they please for god. But then in the next verse it says something about "but whoever does that must be wise with their eyes and not commit evil." What it's saying is, you can't be religous while commiting the same sin over and over, like homosexual, drugs, violence, and etc.


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