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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Obama Phones Jason Collins, Offers Support After Athlete Admits He’s Gay

President Obama telephoned professional basketball player Jason Collins on Monday to congratulate him for coming out as the first openly gay player on a major U.S. sports team.

According to a White House aide, the president called Collins Monday evening to express his support and said he was impressed by his courage.

Collins, 34, is a veteran NBA center who played for the Boston Celtics and Washington Wizards during the 2012-13 season. He is currently a free agent. In a piece for this week's Sports Illustrated, he admitted to being gay. He cited Rep. Joseph Kennedy (D-Mass.) as inspiing his decision to go public.



  1. How about Obama calling me in support of me being an out-of-the-closet normal American male that just so happens to enjoy sex with women.

  2. 9:48 are you that insecure?

  3. When is Obama and O'malley coming out Lol

  4. He did it in hopes of inciting a discrimination case.

  5. its the new way to keep your job act like your homosexual

    1. Exactly 10:35. Especially in the NBA, the race card doesn't work well there

  6. Alex. I'm that right! Nothing insecure about being normal!

  7. Actually from all the comments Alex posts he is the insecure one. In his twisted little mind it makes him feel better about himself if he can insult others.

  8. The United States is the ONLY country on the entire planet that would glorify a homosexual and to top it off...whose country's leader would call him to congratulate him as if he is some sort of heroic and courageous American "man".

    Also, this so-called "Hailed Hero" averaged a WHOPPING 1 point per game last season and his days as an NBA player are numbered. He's been playing in the NBA for ELEVEN looooong years...why was he as quiet as a meek mouse and hiding like a scaredy cat for all those years in his secret closet and is roaring like a brave lion announcing his homosexuality NOW!?

    It leaves us to wonder if he had ulterior motives, such as $$$ since his 1 point per game & income as an NBAer will disappear into thin air VERY soon.

  9. 10:32 not really. Perfectly happy and don't feel that I need to bash gays in order to feel better about myself.

    10:38 so you get to define what's normal?

  10. This is more along obama's speed and about all his intellect level can handle. He's on TV right now, asked a question about Benghazi whistleblowers and he said he's not aware of them. What an ignoramus he is. He's filibustering on Boston now instead of answering the question about failed intelligence.

  11. So many beautiful women in the world, why would guys want to have sex with guys?

    1. Because they are sick 11:50. They can't get better so they make us deal with their sins.

  12. Obama is the most hypocritical person of all and will do anything to seek attention.One of things he stated during his campaigns which were all lies.Is he believed marriage was between one man and one woman. Now he has shifted on this issue also.This man has no business in the white house instead of golfing and dinners and vacationing and trying to be a celebrity and calling homosexuals which no one really cares about some basketball star being gay.He should be working on ways to balance a budget cut wasteful spending and deal with idiot's that have so much hatred for our country.I think it was truth to him calling himself a Muslim at that news dinner lol.

    1. If the ball player was white he would not have been called.

  13. The point is that Obama took the time to personally call someone who admits they are Gay --but goes to bed when he hears our Consulate is under attack in Benghazi, and who doesn't bother calling the loved ones of those killed in the terrorist bombing in Boston. One has to wonder why Obama feels coming out of the closet is a heroic deed .

  14. Alex, I don't think 9:48's point was to make fun of gay people. I think he was pointing out the ridiculousness of the president of our country calling somebody just to congratulate them on being open about their sexual orientation. Doesn't our president have more important things he should be paying attention to?

  15. Seems Alex was offended by someone that said they were straight. Who is the hater now Alex?
    They liberals keep telling us to stay out of their bedroom yet they want to keep telling us what is going on in their bedroom and most want us to pay for what goes on in there too!

  16. More like Obama invited him for a special session at the White House.

  17. I agree with you 11:50 a woman just has so much more to offer than a man would And the mere fact of bringing a baby in the world naturally with out the aid of a sperm bank or adoption.Not saying anything to bash homosexuals and their lifestyle and their are some straight couples that even have trouble with natural birth.There are just some parts of the body that should remain an exit only lol.

  18. 12:42 you do know that there are homosexuals who are females, right?

    1. You mean like transvestites Alex? Boy you sure ain't no dummy son! Or are you a girl?

  19. Alex, this is the "normal" guy back to you. I did not once bash gays. I said I was normal. After constantly seeing your comments on Salisbury News, there is one conclusion I made. You are not normal? In point of fact I suggest you get professional help!

  20. We should be happy obama's preoccupied with superfluous BS such as this because his tract record on the important issues have failed all around. This sort of thing is more suited for his intellect level.

  21. I wonder if he were a white man coming out, would Obama still call? I THINK NOT!

  22. one gay congratulating another gay.

  23. 12:58 Yeah and the majority of them look and act like men.

  24. Now, news is out that Collins dated a woman for 7 years with whom he was engaged to until he called off the engagement in 2009.

    His statement this morning that was broadcast on Good Morning America’s show was…
    "I thought I needed to marry a woman. I kept telling myself the sky was red, but I always knew it was blue. Calling off the wedding was obviously a tough decision, but it was the right one because I knew I wasn't getting married for the right reasons."

    After COWARDLY deceiving & stringing that poor woman along for 7 YEARS of her life and committing to marry her because he “kept telling himself the sky was red”(What kind of RIDICULOUS logic is that anyways!?), why are so many Americans praising him as honorable and hailing his “COURAGEOUSNESS”???

    I said in my previous comment, it leaves us to wonder if Collins had ulterior motive$ in mind regarding his “Coming Out Party”, but now it seems obvious to me that Collins & his 1 Point Per Game AVG did it for the “Fame & Fortune.”

  25. Alex said...
    10:32 not really. Perfectly happy and don't feel that I need to bash gays in order to feel better about myself.

    10:38 so you get to define what's normal?

    April 30, 2013 at 10:48 AM

    I'm not 10:38, but I will define Abnormal. ab·nor·mal /abˈnôrməl/ = Alex.

  26. 5:21 you killed me there with your logic

  27. Agree with 7:19 that logic does not make any sense.

  28. Homosexuality is not deserving of the approbation of man. We can not overlook condemning those, who, through their own bad use of their faculties, are vicious to the good and perfection of the human system.


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