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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Obama Surrenders Just As Islamic Jihad Intensifies

War On Terror: As jihadists bomb Boston, behead a soldier in London and firebomb police in Sweden, President Obama has decided America's actions have offended them and it's time to retreat.

In arguably the weakest national security speech by a commander in chief, Obama denied Thursday that our terrorist enemy is inspired by Islam — while at the same time appeasing Islamic critics by apologizing for drone strikes and agreeing to throttle back on such precision bombings, and close down the terrorist prison at Guantanamo.

He vowed to wind down further military actions in the war on terror, arguing he can protect America through law enforcement actions, instead, as if the threat comes from bank robbers or other common criminals.

His mea culpas and capitulations will only embolden the Islamist enemy. In case you missed the interminably long and rambling speech, here are some of its many pusillanimous lowlights:



  1. he's an indecisive wimp.

  2. I have been WARNING people for years about how our government is Disarming America,look at what is happening in Europe.....WAKE UP PEOPLE before its too late.

  3. Don't want to get sick on sunday

  4. It's just a matter of time when some Islamic terrorist hack up an American on our streets and behead him and dismember his body. You liberal idiots are to stupid to see it coming.


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