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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Do You Know This Young Man?

Hi Joe:

Attached are images of two subjects that did significant damage to one of my vending machines at the Wash 'N Vac Car Wash on Northwood Drive, behind Pep-Boys. This happened on Monday, May 20th between 9 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Both subjects were on bicycles.

The guy in the brown shirt is approximately 5'8"-5"10" in height, 175-185 lbs.

The guy in the red shirt is approximately 5'9"-5'11" in height, 210-220 lbs. Unfortunatley, there is not a facial view of the guy in the red shirt.

I am offering a $100 cash reward for any information that leads to the arrest of either subject. I am hoping someone may have seen these guys or know where they hang out in Salisbury. There has been other vandalism in the area, and these may be the same subjects responsible.

Thanks in advance for any help.

I can be contacted at 302-745-4476 or washnvac@mail.com


  1. HEADS UP....Whenever you see PERPS riding bikes looking Around they are UP to NO GOOD, When they see something they want to ROB/Assault they drop there bikes a couple of blocks away and commit there crime and jump back on there bikes....You have been WARNED, The police should be stopping these perps and asking for ID, Half of them i am sure have Warrents.

    1. don't worry that's going to happen around here soon. it's already happening in New York. and idiots like you are allowing it to happen. that is it the exact thought process that is ruining our Constitution and our freedoms and rights. you can't just stop people randomly and check their ID's for no reason. what is wrong with people today

    2. Yeah...but everyone on here will be the first to scream that their rights are being violated....

  2. Thanks, Joe.

    I forgot to mention--it looks like the guy in the brown shirt has a tattoo on his right inner arm.

  3. You don't enforce the law by breaking the law. These protections were put there for a reason.

  4. I work on Northwood Drive too & our Coca Cola vending machine was broken into a few weeks back. Whoever did this jumped our fence to get to it. Stupid though, bet they won't do it again because they may have made out with 5 bucks LOL. Idiots.

  5. The guy with the brown shirt almost looks like the "homeless guy" that stands up north by McDonald's. He isn't homeless tho. I saw him walk up north 13 & meet his buddy in the median in front of the visitor center and get in his truck and leave. Any buddy of his with a truck obviously wouldn't allow his friend to be homeless.


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