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Thursday, April 11, 2013

You Can Bring A Horse To Water But You Can't Make Him Drink

There's been much discussion around Salisbury about the final results of the Mayoral Election. Many people are saying the election was rigged or altered. 

Look, let's just face facts. Only 20% of the registered voters voted. Americans are becoming less and less interested in elections partly because they aren't satisfied with the candidates, some are simply too busy, but most simply couldn't care less any more. Even more importantly, Salisbury over the years has historically had a lower than average voter turn out in the state of Maryland.

The majority of voters elected a Mayor who wants to raise your taxes by $19,000,000.00 a year to clean the river, build 500 affordable or subsidized housing units Downtown as well as a Lock Out Ordinance that allows the Mayor or Chief of Police to close you down after two calls. 

Many find it extremely hard to believe that the majority of voters wanted their taxes raised and so forth and so on. Yet what the majority of registered voters didn't do is get out there and VOTE. 

I've made a few statements since I started running for Mayor. One was, "This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose". I also stated, "This is not the Super Bowl for Joe Albero". 

Life most certainly goes on but unlike most of you who live in Salisbury, I at least have a choice of moving and getting out of a City that seems to want to control your every move and take every penny you have left in fees or taxes. 

I have no anger. I simply have a choice. Yes, you have a choice too but like most find out very quickly, your homes aren't worth what you owe or it simply kills you inside knowing you can't get half of what your property should be worth. 

I laid out a platform that would start us in the right direction. It wouldn't be an instant turn around but now you have 2.7 years of what I feel could be the most devastating legislators this City has ever experienced. It all depends on Jake Day from this point forward. If Jake is as honorable as he comes off, maybe, just maybe there will be hope. However, he's a young man who clearly wants to be wanted. 

If the new City Council becomes a rubber stamp for Mayor Ireton, combined with Governor O'Malley, Salisbury is doomed. Remember Ladies & Gentlemen, this is just my opinion and I seriously pray that I am completely wrong. I got into the race because I care. There are some out there that are laughing and or attacking me because I lost by such a large number. Did I lose or did you lose?

Tuesday Mayor Ireton came out with a feel good introduction to his economic development plan. Here's the problem, (as I see it) with his plan. It only talks about DOWNTOWN. As many of my critics stated to me while I was running, why are you only talking about Downtown, Salisbury is much bigger than Downtown. Then ALL of them became silent once I introduced my economic development plan as it included the entire City. 

I welcome any one of you to come back with comments on this Post telling me ONE single item in which you firmly disagreed with ANYTHING on my platform or plan. 

Jim Ireton cannot reach out to other communities and businesses on the western shore and encourage them to relocate to Salisbury. First of all, he doesn't have the time as a part time Mayor. Secondly, I instantly knew his press conference yesterday would only focus on Downtown and nowhere else. It all sounds good but when you've been in business as long as I have, you know a good marketing person when you see one and the only thing Jim Ireton is good at is fluff pieces, hence his life long career working for the government and not the private sector. He'd never survive where he'd be held accountable. Nor can he talk the business language necessary to convince owners to relocate here to Salisbury.

Once the election results came in Mr. Ireton instantly went on the attack. He attacked Debbie Campbell and then Tim Spies and Terry Cohen. How incredibly disappointing it was that even in victory Jim Ireton couldn't demonstrate that he's a gracious leader. Just the opposite, his statement reflected a total lack of class.

Debbie Campbell has been a personal friend of Jim Ireton since he was a child. Debbie, Tim and Terry helped get Jim elected the first time around. As a mature adult you can agree to disagree but when Mr. Ireton started going off about Jake Day winning and finally getting a Council that he wanted to move Salisbury, (or shall I say Jim Ireton) forward and that Tim and Terry should be on notice, I lost all respect for the man at that point. 

When the numbers came in I was very professional. I expressed my congratulations to ALL Candidates and I called Debbie Campbell a hero to this community. Many of you seem to conveniently forget how difficult a time Debbie had once elected. It was constantly 4 to 1 votes, Debbie putting her reputation on the line as the watch dog of Salisbury. We watched the Waste Water Treatment Plant suck $84,000,000.00 out of taxpayers pockets and it didn't work. We watched developer reimbursements in the tens of millions of dollars, we watched TIF money being thrown around like candy at a parade.  The Fire Boat, the pipe stem annexation at Sassafras Meadows, the list goes on and on. Debbie Campbell stood firm in her beliefs and at that time I personally watched Jim Ireton stand at the podium and express his disbelief that Barrie Tilghman and the City Council continued to ramrod Debbie Campbell. 

Then came Terry Cohen and the votes were then 3 to 2 for two years until Tim Spies was elected. Agree or disagree, no one will ever tell me that those three didn't truly have the City taxpayers in mind on every single decision they made. While Debbie was finding millions of dollars in savings on each budget, the Daily Times started a campaign against her 8 years ago and never let up. When Debbie won a position as one of Maryland's Top 100 Women, they purposely ignored her. When she was accepted to Harvard, they ignored her. 

Debbie Campbell is one hell of an impressive woman and even more so as a Councilperson. What Jim Ireton did to her is disgusting, uncalled for and flat out immature. Jim's statements the night after the results came in told me instantly, I need to keep Salisbury News going. It would simply be too big a gift to walk away and Jim Ireton having a rubber stamp media to play with just as he did yesterday. Did you see any of the media say, WHAT ABOUT JOBS, WHAT ABOUT INDUSTRY, NO. 

Because I care, I'm sticking around. However, to those who laughed at me for running and or the final results, remember Ladies & Gentlemen, not ONE other person stepped up to the plate to challenge Jim Ireton. Laugh all you want, running for Office takes incredible dedication. Moving from your home to live in Downtown Salisbury more than a year before the election was a huge challenge. Try knocking on 7,000 doors, waving signs, running a news outlet that never stopped and comments continually flowing without interruption. Each day started at 5 AM and didn't end until at least 11 PM. 

The Albero Campaign worked extremely hard and we are very proud to have given it our all. Unfortunately for Mr. Ireton, now that I no longer have to spend so much time campaigning and I've trained myself to work that much harder each day, dedicating time to follow local news now could come back and bite him where the sun doesn't shine. Then again, IF Mr. Ireton does truly start seeing the light, believe me, I'll be more than happy to publish all of the great things it took him 4 years to realize Salisbury needed in the first place. 

All that being said, THANK YOU. Thank You for each and every one of you for opening your doors and listening to my platform. After knocking on more than 7,000 doors I only ran into two people that were just plain rude. Not a bad average. Funny, I never had a door slammed in my face and I was never threatened by a single one of the nay sayers that claimed they were going to kick my butt if I knocked on their door. 

I'd also like to thank the business community. The day before the election I chose to go down Rt. 13 and ask the business owners if they'd allow me the opportunity to put up my signs. If they had dirt, my signs went up and each and every one of those business owners encouraged my doing so. There had to be 100 signs up in one day alone.

Now let's see if it was your election to lose. Good Luck Mr. Ireton.

In closing, give me a few more days to relax and make plans because  Salisbury News is about to go local once again. 


  1. More thrilled daily to live outside of Salisbury. Now to live outside of Maryland to get away from the totally unthinking electorate.

  2. Joe,

    I was one of those you speak of... I did always come down hard on you for not giving the full plan at the time... All I thought you wanted to do is fix just the downtown area when SBY is bigger than just that... All I was wanting you to do is push hard or harder to prove me wrong... I too fell silent once you published the actual total plan for SBY... That was what I was after, I am tired of people who run for office, talk the talk and never walk the walk or express how hard it would be to get things done... NOT even ONCE since I have lived on this earth has a politician said "I want to do this or that, but it will be hard because of the corruption"... Instead all they way is what YOU WANT TO HEAR and theyn wham-o they got your vote... Just like most of America, they based their votes on color of skin or the few debates that are on tv in which the questions are fake...

    NO matter what Joe, I give you credit because you did walk the walk when you said you would run for mayor...

    I am afraid to say, I have to agree, We as people in SBY are the ones who will lose in the end...

    I just can't fathom how stupid the population is, or how lazy or the like...

    At what point will they say this is enough? I can't take it any more?

    Everyone wants to talk about gun rights and control this or that, the POINT OF THE MATTER is, if the GOVT takes one Amendment, why not take more?

    I mean history shows and tells us that we will fail as a country... All great and BIG countries have and will continue to do so... This is sad and moreover tragic we can't learn from mistakes...

  3. The bad thing is the property's downtown Will go down in value joe get out now while you can.


  4. Go local "oh how I have missed that" Worried me wondering what was going on had no way of knowing
    because you had your hands full with the election. Sorry you lost
    but glad you are back "in the saddle"

  5. Great article, I am sitting back from the outside of Salisbury just waiting to see it go Downnnnnnnnn Hill, Salisbury you had your chance and for at least for the next 2/5 yrs i hope you get raked over the coals, I can see it now people in a frenzy pounding on the mayors home front door................Fools.

  6. My wife and I are looking to buy a house. And we were considering Salisbury because of the potential with Joe as Mayor and a good majority on the council, acting as stewards of our tax investments in the community. Ireton and Shields have no respect for the tax payors. I'm not certain that Mitchell does, so in all fairness I'm not going to call her out. Day's professional job relies on stealing existing property rights and transferring wealth to private parties to execute what a bunch of mysterious people who I don't know or understand thinks is a "better" way to develop.

    We even had a house that we were very interested in putting an offer on. It was nerve racking, thinking that it might go off the market at any time.

    With Ireton re-elected, and a new councilman who aligns himself more with who I view as the "irresponsible" ones, I see more potential downside to living in the city than around it. On that particular house, taxes represent about a third of the monthly payment on the property. Is that money going to be well respected, or given away to build a new ghetto downtown? Will it fix aging infrastructure, or go into the pockets of a rich developer? And we haven't even seen what's coming down the pike with fixing that wastewater plant. I wouldn't be surprised to find a $150+/mo water bill as a result of having to do a "double upgrade" on that plant due to pure incompetence.

    All that I can say for the moment is, that house that I thought was perfect for my family isn't perfect, after all. We will keep looking. And perhaps one day, I will be neighbors with all of you. I won't completely rule it out. But given the current political climate, I want to see a bigger potential return for myself before I commit 6 figures of payments within the city limits. It's just too risky right now to put the biggest investment of my life in Salisbury.

  7. joe, im sorry that you lost but, really the people of salisbury lost. they not only lost you but they lost debbie, one of the best council members ive ever seen. thats all right you are both honorable people that gave it your best effort and i thank you . thanks sjd

  8. 1:52 buy in Delmar I heard that they are going to go under the constant yield this year, which means they are cutting property taxes. They have the Amphitheater coming, the new trampoline park is awesome. Businesses are moving to Delmar. They are doing something right.

  9. Don't show a picture of John Robinson. He's nothing but a lying, ignorant businessman who will take advantage of everyone he can. He hides behind a persona that is totally counter to his true demeanor in nearly every setting in his life. Don't let him fool you. He knows this is true too. So does his family and the few friends he has left. Shame. His father was such a nice man.

  10. Salisbury was exceptionally lucky to have had Debbie Campbell --and to have Terri and Tim. No doubt the Daily Times and SAPOA cartel will continue the defamation and hatchet job on Terri and Tim, look for them to be ousted next election. And then to have had the opportunity to elect Joe Albero as mayor--Salisbury you were more fortunate than most rural cities could ever hope and you blew it. You absolutely have chosen the Progressive Democrat plan to have taxes skyrocket, services diminish and welfare handouts increase astronomically. The 1% that control the City will get richer and you average taxpayer will become poor. YOu had a chance- you had 2 fabulous candidates--and you once again were suckered in by The Daily Times, WBOC and WMDT propaganda. You get what you deserve. Debbie and Joe are highly intelligent and industrious people, they will be prosperous and happy regardless. Salisbury citizens you won't.

  11. "In closing, give me a few more days to relax and make plans because Salisbury News is about to go local once again."

    Joe I pray that you are true to your word. Local news is what put Salisbury News on the map. It is time to bring down the dirty leadership in Salisbury once again. You have enough friends who are good sources and they fill funnel you good information. I, like you, lost all respect for Mare Ireton when she attacked Ms. Cohen and Mr. Spies live on television in celebration of his short lived victory. We have 2 years and 7 months to take him, Jake and Laura down.

    Let's keep fighting the good fight and get Debbie back in Office.

  12. I also am fortunate that I had the good sense and means to move out of Salisbury in 2007. I was born in Salisbury, went to school in Salisbury. Left Salisbury in 1977 and entered into the USMC. I served 21 years, retiring in 1998. I moved back to Salisbury in 2003, tryed to get involved with the city and its politics. I soon realized how much Salisbury had changed, and how poorly it was run. I also witnessed some of the worst political leaders I have had the misfortune to meet. Instead of beating my head against the wall out of frustration. I could no longer endure the toilet that Salisbury has become. I moved from Salisbury to Delmar Maryland; and I am quite happy with my decision. Now in about 8 years I plan on moving to Florida. I plan to leave one of the highest tax states in the country. Some of the worst liberal leaders I have ever witnessed. One of the worst mismanaged states in the country. The mismanagement has funneled down to the county, and city level. Joe I applaud your efforts in trying to fix the numerous issues in the city. However the citizens are not interested in correcting the problems. They are being lead like sheep, and the politicians can do just about anything they want; because the voters allow it! I am sadened that such a wonderful area has been diminished to a unpleasent and undisirable place. I eagerly await the time when I can say I used to live in Maryland.

  13. If both of you in that picture actually worked together for the better of Salisbury, you could be the greatest thing to happen to the area in a long time. Sadly you are bth hard headed and will never get along. lol

  14. @2:16 - I'm considering it!

  15. Joe, I thank you for your willingness to run for the office of mayor. I thank Debbie for her willingness to endure torment at each and every council meeting.

    Both of you deserve a great deal of credit. It is so terribly sad that this town has turned into such a pool of corrupt politians fueled only by their own egos and extortion plots.

    When people start leaving the city and the state, what are the progressive liberals going to do then? Who is left to pay the high taxes and fees? The welfare class, that won't happen, because the progressive liberals have kept them down, why they own them just like slaves only this isn't Gone With The Wind anymore. Their realtor buddies?, their developers?, their Chamber buddies?, aren't going to take money from their pockets and bank accounts to pay the taxes and fees. Then you will see them eating their own.

  16. This most recent election results mirror those of other municipalities of similar demographics. Salisbury is becomming an area of (for lack of a better word)Have Nots. The Have Nots tend to support liberals because their philosphy is-Ask what your community can do for you and not what you can do for your community. Have Nots aren't interested in doing and giving back to the community and only what they can get out of it with as little effort as possible.

  17. Sadly Joe, you have a point. Salisbury lost and the voters don't care. But they didn't want a jobs president either.

    All us sane and rational people can do is keep trying till the money runs out.


  19. I've enjoyed coming here every day since you knocked on my door and told me you own it. Sorry you lost Mr. Joe.

  20. 2 years and 7 months... that brings us to November of 2015, when all the other elections are. Oh, wait.

    America holds National Elections in EVEN years. So, what was the point of making it in an odd year? I don't get it.

  21. You should be very proud Joe. You ran a very clean race while Ireton did not. When he came up with that website in your name I lost total respect for the man. His ties with Johnathan Taylor and John Robinson showed me I will never respect the man as long as I live. I hope you dig deep with the finances of his housing projects downtown because there are many already questioning his financial ties with developers.

  22. anonymous 3:52, the local election in 2.7 years has nothing to do with the national elections. WBOC & WMDT are too stupid to ever get it right.

    The POINT behind holding the election in November is two fold. ONE, it will be easier on the candidates to go door to door during Sept. Oct. & Nov.

    TWO, the main reason for changing the election dates is so the new Mayor coming into Office will be able to create his/her own budget without having to adopt the former Mayor's budget.

    It makes perfect sense but you cannot rely on the YOUNG local media sources who are simply clueless.

  23. Still contend that there is huge potential for voter fraud with the Salisbuy University students--if not asked for drivers license it is impossible to determine their actual home address. It is illegal for them to vote in Salisbury city election if they are not permanent city residents. But we all know that the persons at the polls never ask for a license. And we all know that SU had a vested interest in electing Ireton and Day. Housing shortage will now be solved by converting the few remaining owner occupied houses into student rentals. Congrats District 2 residents!!!!

  24. It's the computer people. We need to investigate the computer people. My grandson is a computer person. He says its easy to fix an election if you are a computer person.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Still contend that there is huge potential for voter fraud with the Salisbuy University students--if not asked for drivers license it is impossible to determine their actual home address. It is illegal for them to vote in Salisbury city election if they are not permanent city residents. But we all know that the persons at the polls never ask for a license. And we all know that SU had a vested interest in electing Ireton and Day. Housing shortage will now be solved by converting the few remaining owner occupied houses into student rentals. Congrats District 2 residents!!!!

    April 11, 2013 at 4:40 PM

    I happened to be at a place of business on Tuesday April 2, 2013 that employees college students. There discussion was the election and one of them even left the place of business to get his voter registration card. He came back with the card in hand. I know they are temporary residents and can easily register to vote in Salisbury. I wonder how many also voted in their home town or state in the national elections as well?

    1. I wonder about Jim's buddy with the NY tags and an addtess in Sby jusy a block off College Ave.

  26. 5:24 - you mean they live somewhere else but registered to vote a little over a year ago? Sounds like voter fraud to me!

  27. Why wont the Republican Party Investigate this election it was a FRAUD who do i call.

  28. Joe you are right.......Salisbury residents are the losers. Debbie and Terry have always tried to look at for the citizens pocketbook! Laura Mitchell thinks she is the know all but really is a pathetic representative for our city. Jake Day COULD certainly make a difference but I am sure he is all about being an a** kisser and wants to be popular with Jim , Laura and poor Shanie! He does not have the spine to go against them. I hope I am wrong but we will see.
    Anyhow, I am glad you are gonna stay and expose them all.
    Thank you Joe for trying to make a difference the citizens are not smart enough to see that so they will get what they deserve.

    1. Jake told more than 1 lie to win that seat!

  29. I am glad you are staying and keeping this blog. I sometimes go to the fat boys blog and he is so one sided that he will not allow anything he doesn't agree with. I guess you would have to say he's alot like the Tilghman, Dunn, Mitchell, Shields,Comegy's crowd! He is pathetic in the blogging world because he doesn't do anything but try to brainwash everyone to his thinking! I am done with his site! He needs to learn there are two sides to every board NOT JUST HIS SIDE!

  30. Look into Inacom Info Systems on the computer company aspect...hint, hint

  31. 742 whats your point?

  32. Joe why is the WCBOE paying it's employees to attend the county council meeting tonight? Isn't it a violation of county policy for county employees to engage in political activity while on county time? If they are being paid aren't they on county time? Is the WCBOE paying it's employees to intimidate our elected officials?

  33. Joe, pick your battles carefully. I believe you may have been pulled into some due to your passion for the City or because you can not drop something that stirs up your emotions. Looking back you must see your passion is greater than the masses. Find a way to involve the 80% that do not vote. Relate better to just a small fraction of them and you will do great things. We all ask ourselves why are there so many who do not vote or even get invovled. When the current mayor raises the taxes, find a creative way to let people know. Find a way. This will change the attitudes that people have about you and what you stand for. Don't be petty, don't be baited into childish games of he said she said. People will see for themselves what their inaction does. Above all else continue to show the class you have shown the past couple of weeks.
    Good Luck

  34. 8:49, Conway did it for over 30 years while he worked for WCBOE. So, what else is new?

  35. You are the best at local issues. Frankly, no one else ever reports on the local political corruption. You used to keep us informed about what was going on locally and I hope that you return to doing just that. Good luck.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Joe why is the WCBOE paying it's employees to attend the county council meeting tonight? Isn't it a violation of county policy for county employees to engage in political activity while on county time? If they are being paid aren't they on county time? Is the WCBOE paying it's employees to intimidate our elected officials?

    April 11, 2013 at 8:49 PM

    I received a call last night from my daughters Principle to attend the meeting tonight. I think she sent about 3 or 4 robo calls. John Fredericksen sent out 3 or 4 himself. That is exactly what they are doing, trying to intimidate our elected officials. The school board has always used those tactics. They also use children to speak at the council hearings.

  37. Matt Drew for mayor

  38. City fire personnel drove YOUR vehicled and wore YOUR uniforms if you're a city taxpayer to berate YOUR city council fidn't they? Mayor out of control.

  39. Ok, I get the article, but what does being pictured with a pathological liar and crocked business have to do with the article?

  40. Anonymous said...
    Don't show a picture of John Robinson. He's nothing but a lying, ignorant businessman who will take advantage of everyone he can. He hides behind a persona that is totally counter to his true demeanor in nearly every setting in his life. Don't let him fool you. He knows this is true too. So does his family and the few friends he has left. Shame. His father was such a nice man.

    April 11, 2013 at 2:18 PM

    I agree. He is ruthless. I was told he refused to donate to a non profit for kids, but instead he spent thousands on a campaign against Joe. This was definitely a low time in the history of giving to local kids. I will never do business with him again.

  41. Bump to the top please. Stay local my friend.

  42. Anonymous said...
    City fire personnel drove YOUR vehicled and wore YOUR uniforms if you're a city taxpayer to berate YOUR city council fidn't they? Mayor out of control.

    April 11, 2013 at 10:39 PM

    Jim Ireton lied to us to get him elected. He promised us he was getting rid of Hoppes and now he acts like Hoppes has always been the best candidate for fire chief. The real issue with the fire chief saga is he used that as ammo to fight Debbie Campbell and it worked. The bottom line is Mr. Hoppes isn't qualified or fit enough to be an entry level firefighter.

  43. How the Sheeples reelected Jim Ireton, Obama and O'Malley:

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Joseph Goebbels

  44. My prediction is that Jim used Hoppes to create a stir, knowing that a majority of the council wouldn't appoint him. Then, he let it drag out for a year and made all sorts of misrepresentations in the press. Now that there's a new council, he will advance a different name. He didn't advance Hoppes' name the first time. Why? This was just political showboating to "get" Debbie. At the PACE forum he kept referring to his two opponents. He wanted Debbie out so that he can do and spend whatever he wants and continue to buy a ticket on O'Malley's coattails at our expense.

  45. Tim or Terry should nominate Shanie for council president.

  46. Hey, the Albero that we've learned to love is back! Welcome, Joe!
    As I said before, after this last election, Salisbury needs you more than ever.
    Why you do it is beyond me, but I'm immensely glad that you do.
    As for Mrs. Campbell, the past superhero of the city taxpayers, here's a thought- Ireton and co. have always accused you of collaborating with Albero, and perhaps that's true. Now that you're no longer a DIRECT city public servant, help Joe to REALLY expose this uber liberal clown mayor, his minions, his policies, his personal life and every and anything else to discredit the arrogant little p****.
    I know that there's much honor in taking the high road, but think about how he treated you- It would be public service of the highest order to, at the very least, make Ireton unelectable in this city and state.


  47. PLEASE JOE AND JOHN we are glad we don't live in the city however living in wicomico county is killing our retirement budget! We have over 55 friends who made upper middle to upper mid class salarys who are selling their homes at a loss to move to Del because they can't afford to keep them in the county any more! Build an over 55 community on the Del side of 54 PLEASE....If you do call ME we will
    would be the first to put down a deposit and put a for sale sign on the house to be sold by Marshall or Roop!

  48. Jim Perdue and Martin O'Malley are VERY close. Perdue needs O'Malley lackeys like Ireton running Salisbury . Perdue executive's son, Jake Day, gets rid of the Debbie Campbell problem--using lots of outside funding and the compliant media to demonize her.Sure that the Perdue connection is JUST a coincidence. O'Malley set to solve Perdues chicken poop problem by allowing it to be burned for "fuel" at ECI in good old Somerset County--the place where rich Montgomerey County Democrats send trash their toxic waste sent to. You do know that the poorest counties are always the ones that get the big waste dumps and Correctional Institutions that the Rich liberals wouldn't dream of having in their own back yard! Bet you don't remember that Ricky Pollitt was instrumental in getting ECI in Somerset County--back when he was busy helping his Somerset County good ole boys get rich. Ah the cycle of Democrat Cronyism never ceases.

    1. So you are saying that Day got elected so Perdue could burn poop in Somerset county? You sir, need to get back on your meds.

  49. Actually "Rich" counties in MD do not need ECIs. If there were no ECI in Somerset there would be a great many more folks on food stamps.

    8:47 AM People do not get out and vote except the ones getting "entitlements". There is no political showboat. It is the "Gimmee Syndrome" that is voting "these" people into office.

    I never read or heard that Ireton promised to get rid of Hoppes. Where are the complaints from the firemen on SBYNews saying Hoppes would be the worse thing for the fire company? My understanding is Hoppes now has the qualifications to be chief. What do you all want? Hire another outsider to kick to the curb and appoint Hoppes again as acting? I read on here and in the DT that Ireton said he had turned in the name to the Council of the person he would approve as chief BUT the Council turned it down.. I have to wonder why the Council did that. Any answers to that? Ireton probably did the right thing by dragging it out. If Ireton lost the Mayor race it would not matter who he wanted to appoint and if Ireton won the race perhaps the new council would approve Hoppes.

  50. You can only "Bring a sheep to water if you have a Scotsman.".

  51. Good. We need you Joe. You don't have the temperment to be in public office but you are a great opposition press. We need that around here. We need YOU around here.

    A friend from a distance.

  52. April 12, 2013 at 2:49 PM

    Do a search on here for Mr. Hoppes and you will find a lot of dirt on him. Yes Ireton promised to get rid of Hoppes and Gordy. Yes the firemen voted for an outsider instead of Hoppes. Pay attention.

  53. April 12, 2013 at 2:49 PM

    Do a search on here for Mr. Hoppes and you will find a lot of dirt on him. Yes Ireton promised to get rid of Hoppes and Gordy. Yes the firemen voted for an outsider instead of Hoppes. Pay attention.

    April 12, 2013 at 5:57 PM

    Poor Hoppes he is to stupid to know that Ireton used him.

  54. 2:49--It was correctly stated that the rich folks in Montgomerey County send their waste and build their prisons in poor counties, did you not read thoroughly? It is the same scenario throughout the country--poor counties are always places where the trash gets put. And if you had been around long enough you would know that Ricky Pollitt cut his cronyism teeth in Somerset County.If you don't think that it is helpful for a rich businessman like Jim Perdue to have Martin O'Malley in his back pocket you are delusional. Having the governor and state legislature at your beck and call sure greases the skids to circumvent the environmental groups that oppose burning chicken manure-and rightly so, it is an enormous pollutant. But funny how progressive liberals pick and choose the causes they deem worthy--no matter how hypocritical or illogical. And if you really think having Perdue money and media fawning did not help Jake Day win YOU SIR are off your meds. But what is MOST telling is your visceral reaction when someone gets too close to the truth.

  55. Anonymous said...

    I read on here and in the DT that Ireton said he had turned in the name to the Council of the person he would approve as chief BUT the Council turned it down.. I have to wonder why the Council did that. Any answers to that?

    April 12, 2013 at 2:49 PM

    Ireton had a good candidate for the position, but again Ireton turned on a good, honest person like he did with many of his supporters and friends.

  56. James Liarton is a real loser and I am still waiting for the Mojo's Victims to do the right thing and step up to the plate.

  57. Hey look the fat blogger got a traffic citation in November for parking illegally at Walmart. Thank you MSP Trooper Mazet for doing the right thing. Oh, by the way you should have issued him a citation for not changing his address on his license. Look how fat he is on his DL.


    Case Information
    Go Back

    Citation Number: 0000000320G0NCase Status:CLOSED CASE

    Violation Date: 11/17/2012 Violation Time: 03:16 PM
    District Code: 02 Location Code: 03
    Officer Name:MAZET, G
    Officer ID:6065

    Defendant Information

    Defendant Name:TAYLOR, JONATHAN ZACK

    Address:2001 BOXWOOD CIR APT B

    City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801


    -----------------------------------Charge Information

    Charge: Article:TASec:21Sub-Sec:1003Para:QCode:

    Location Stopped: WALMART PARKING LOT

    Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO

    Fine: 60

    Vehicle Tag: 20T548 State: MD Vehicle Description: 01CHEV02

  58. I had a friend that used to live in those townhouses how if he is disabled can he get up and down the stairs?

  59. That fat blogger must have been to lazy to find a parking space. That's why he weighs nearly 400lbs. He also lives in Run Away Bay apartments for the past several years on a rent voucher. His address on his license say he live at Foxfield apartments. He is breaking the law.


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