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Friday, April 12, 2013

Homosexual Activists Target Two Young Girls

No one is beyond the wrath of homosexual activists in the U.S. as a major news organization learns about two young girls who were the target of attacks by homosexuals who didn’t like their support for traditional marriage.
William Bigelow of Breitbart.com is reporting that there have been two targeted attacks of young girls in the past two months by homosexual activists who were upset by the girls’ stance in favor of traditional marriage.

The first victim, 11 year-old Grace Evans, received some “rather colorful comments” from activists upset with her bold testimony before the Minnesota House Committee on Civil Law in February.

“Since every child needs a mom and a dad to be born, I don’t think we can change that children need a mom and a dad. I believe God made it that way,” Evans said during her testimony. “I know some disagree, but I want to ask you this question: Which parent do I not need – my mom or my dad?”

She paused, waiting for one of the members of the Committee to answer. When no one did, she asked the question again.



  1. Homosexuals scream and yell and whine for others to be tolerant of their sexually deviant lifestyle but are THE MOST INTOLERANT of anyone who stands up for traditional marriage. For the love of pete, if homosexuality was a valid lifestyle humans would be asexual and able to reproduce with either sex. BUT THEY AREN"T and it is surprising that all of the Evolutionists who are usually Radical Progressives can't make the connection. SO SICK of the non stop whining and demands of homosexuals.

  2. Out of the mouths of babes. The best part is they struck a nerve with their opposition. lol. And the opposition reacted like an 11yo.

    1. How much consideration should be given to a few threatening fairies? What are they gonna do, have one of their front yard pink flamingos on a stick attack her, or just lip service her into submission? I'd be more scared of a chocolate Easter Bunny. Before 1990 when they changed their name to gay because it sounded more acceptable they their old name queer, they had tried their hand at starting a new cereal company they called "Queerios" but it was a flop, once people found out that you don't eat them, they eat you.

  3. The screwed up hate it when someone, an 11 yr old child shows them up. These attackers on these children would be charged with hate crimes, correct??

  4. yeah tolerance tell that to jim.

  5. They should be locked up for intimidation/child abuse.

  6. It's time to start teaching these deviant homosexuals and Democrats supporters a lesson!

  7. These homosexuals are getting worse. Not everyone has to accept their sick lifestyle.Seems like there is a liberal heatwave across America.I will never accept that type of life man needs a woman to reproduce homosexuals can't reproduce naturally anyway.they choose to live their lifestyle and how dare someone disagree with it.Its like people have a freedom of speech as long as doesn't offend a liberal. When you disagree the want to name call.They can their liberal polices and homosexual views and shove them. ONE MAN ONE WOMAN!

  8. Some of the people on this site shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

  9. as always H8 comes from the LEFT!

  10. 9:27 if you think that homosexuality is a choice, you're considering it.

    1. God created Adam and Eve, not Alex and Steve.

  11. Homosexuality is choice and people still have the right to disagree with it.

  12. This is an 11 year old, not an adult..cut her some slack..She obviously has a wonderful set of parents who love and support her. I do not think that she has thought about the fact that having a Mom AND Dad does not = happy perfect family in many cases. There are many families with fathers or mothers who basically don't care about them, fathers doing drugs in the home, fathers with guns, fathers in prison, and unknown fathers. .many mothers too..lets not leave out the Moms. Just because they have a mother and father does not mean that they are enjoying the wonderful things this young lady says that kids of same sex parents are missing.

  13. Lawmakers do everything possible to drum up more business for lawyers--after all the vast majority of politicians are lawyers. Considering the completely fickle and flighty thought process that most gays have the divorce industry will BOOM--and lawyers will have a whole new population (one that is known for promiscuity) from which to extract money! Yay!!!! Lord knows it will be easy for any lawyer to create drama when Bill and Bob can't decide who gets the Shitz Zu and the silk draperies.

  14. If the shoe was on the other foot these pansies would be boo hooing for someone to be arrested for a hate crime.

  15. Anonymous said...
    If the shoe was on the other foot these pansies would be boo hooing for someone to be arrested for a hate crime.

    April 13, 2013 at 6:51 PM

    Laws against emotions. Ain't america great


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