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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wrong Direction?


  1. We all know that the majority of welfare people are using the system. There are some that need it and deserve it, however , it's a shame that this country supports our enemies , that includes all welfare individuals who use the system illegally .
    This country will fall soon and these people won't know what to do when the money stops.
    Make sure you have ammo to stop these people , they will try to take your stuff, they don't know how to earn a living.

  2. "I must say...how FUNNY must Americans look to the mostly uneducated world? We drag them over here, give them free stuff, and fight with each other and call names if any natives object to this special treatment. My guess is many THIRD WORLD losers can not believe how generous (stupid) America is. How do you think Americans who enter their countries illegally....even legally in many instances get treated? Here is a hint...watch "locked up abroad" on TV...there you have it. SILLY AMERICANS....we must have a suicide wish as a society? I can not imagine a conspiracy more complete than that which I see with my own two eyes. Bring our enemies closer, fund them, then act suprised when they do what they do?"

  3. A vote for O is a vote for change. You get what you vote for.

  4. Only under Obama!

  5. I wonder how many of the 4 commenters above me voted for Obama.

    Anyone who votes for any Democrat now proves they are really ignorant and out of touch.

  6. careful 7:49 you may offend someone with that tone.lol

  7. There needs to be a book-

    "The Democrats Guide to the Care and Feeding of Muslim Jihadist Terrorists in America"

  8. This tidal wave of "entitlement" has pushed this nation to the brink. This is just a microcosm. Soon, there will more people taking than giving. The number of people on "disability" in this country exceeds the entire population of other countries. Factor in the welfare, free medical care, free child care, free education, free housing, cell phones, and coming soon, free internet. Whats the incentive to work? Stay on welfare and follow your dreams, even if means flying to Russia (on welfare!) and in typical muslim fashion, kill some innocent people. Its a great country!

  9. Why would the press keep hounding their mother? They keep trying to convince her that her sons were responsible for the bombings.OF COURSE their own mother won't acknowledge their involvement.Has the world gone crazy? Who really even cares what she thinks anyway?

  10. "not my baby. he wouldn't do that." the mentality of most mamas who refuse to believe their "babies" can do such atrocities. Thus, no responsibility for actions by them legal or otherwise.
    I'd turn the bastards in if it was my son.

  11. We'd prefer to hear more about the victims & heroes in this incident. Enough glorifying parents, relatives & other "possibles". Isn't that what they want? The guy did run over his own brother (if he was his brother) yet you want to portray him as having been brainwashed by his older brother.(I'm sure there were others as well.) He is NOT a victim here. Enough.

  12. It is sad that government in this country does NOT work. Every agency is bloated beyond belief and there is no network to share any information. There are so many federal employees they cannot keep track of them all. Sad.

  13. The victims and the heros are only part of this story who I would think would rather not have ever been elevated to this status. In order to prevent these kinds of things the public must understand and know what makes people 'tick' and their mindsets. Family dynamics is a very important part of understanding.
    I haven't seen any glorifying of the family. If anything they are coming across as very paranoid, brainwashed types, blinded by muslim extremism with all the mother's ready to die stuff.

  14. Don't forget...if you are on food stamps you can now get food stamps for your dog. I kid you not!


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