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Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Daily Times Refused To Allow Delegate Mike McDermott This Response

Some clarification is needed regarding the last minute funding of our local National Public Radio affiliate known as Delmarva Public Radio. In his letter, Mr. Pretl stated the following: “ Delegate Mike McDermott betrays an insensitivity toward the highest ideals of participatory democracy — the system which recently put him in office.” I beg to differ. 

The high ideals of such a democracy (expressed through our representative republican form of government) begin at the ballot box with a free and fair election. Those elected go to Annapolis to represent the people in our district to the best of their ability. We participate in and conduct bill hearings where we hear from the people regarding proposed legislation, including budgetary items and proposed bond bills.

Would Pretl or others be offended if money was appropriated on the whim of one delegate without any regard to a “participatory democracy”? Well, such was the case with the million dollars provided to DPR. There was no public hearing. There was no request made by the other delegation members. This appropriation merely appeared as a tack on amendment to the budget bill at the ninth hour of session. Last year, the hundred million dollar plus library project was done in similar fashion. If this does not sound like much participation to you, then we are on the same page.

Whether or not DPR receives tax payer money should be the subject of bill hearings and review through the full committee process where it can be vetted accordingly. This is in keeping with the concept and traditions of a “participatory democracy”. The way this money was appropriated was not the subject of any regular channels or participatory process. It was a back room deal.

I made no argument for the need of publicly funded radio (though it could certainly be debated), and I take no issue with a bond bill being requested by a delegate requiring the people of Maryland to provide a million dollars in tax money to support DPR. However, I do take issue with the process by which money like this is “appropriated”. All Marylanders should.

As Pretl stated regarding Delegate Conway, “Once again he has ‘brought home the bacon’”. Well, that “bacon” comes at a price. It increases our state debt and is part of the reason Gov. O’Malley and the democrats have increased our state spending by 29% during this recession. Our taxes continue to rise to pay for this pork.

Are selective new buildings and higher taxes the symbol of “success” in Annapolis? I will continue to be a voice for the people who desire an open government and have had enough of the tax and spend mentality which has controlled Maryland for far too long.
Marylanders, take back your state.


  1. Pretl presided over a railroading of Debbie Campbell during the primary cycle of our local city election to get an endorsement for Jake Day, so I would say that free and fair elections might be beyond his scope of understanding. It was a shameful display that I will not soon forget.

  2. Yea they might have had to add a page bringing it to a total of three pages. With all news a day late since it is printed in Wilmington it is about a news worthy as a comic book. There is not enough newspaper to even wrap my fish with. That is its best use now.

  3. anonymous 5:22, Yet they had room for Pretl's BS?

  4. I should add, Mike is a standing Delegate and this is NOT the first time the Daily Times has refused to publish Mike McDermott's material. In fact, Mike gave the Daily Times the very same opportunity as Salisbury News to publish his weekly reports while in session. The DT's refused to publish ANY of that.

    They are NOT interested in a Republican's view of anything. I urge each and every one of you to cancel your subscription to that one sided yellow journalism newspaper.

  5. Mike is a very Constitution minded person, and the only one writing back to his constituency in his own actions and those of others, keeping us informed. To those of us who know how to read, that's a good thing. I hope that there's enough of us in the next election cycle to keep him in there! LOL, but with reservations...

  6. Each time it comes up for renewal we talk about canceling because it (DAILY TIMES) is SO biased. I just wish another newspaper would get started in the area! The DPR funding isn't the only thing that the state has done stupidly, either.

  7. Everyone should be outraged about this. It's not about whether or not you support public radio or a library. It's about exactly what McDermott is saying. Spending without the normal debate is anti-Democracy. Pretl did not need to be insulting to McDermott. The Daily Times should not insult an elected member of the legislature, either. Like it or not, he was elected. I'm a Democrat and I did not like Bush and his policies, but I accepted him as elected by the people.

  8. Pretl is a long time liberal, and his only claim to fame is just that. If the tables were turned, he'd be the first one running his ugly mouth wanting fair treatment. He is just too far gone to be normal!!
    He likes to hear his own voice, and really thinks he is important.

    Mike is a honest, upstanding individual. There is no deceit. He is smart, articulate, and he takes his oath of office very seriously. I support him, I will vote for him, and I would trust what he told me anytime, anyday of the week. Mike is a man of honor and substance.

    I find Pretl's comments offensive. Funny the liberal Pretl can talk trash about Mike but let anyone bring the underhanded things they do to light and all of a sudden Pretl starts slinging the mud.

    Save money and eliminate NPR and their bias approach to news.

  9. I feel humbled to finally find a
    truthful politition!!! Keep up your good works Mr. Dermont!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Pretl presided over a railroading of Debbie Campbell during the primary cycle of our local city election to get an endorsement for Jake Day, so I would say that free and fair elections might be beyond his scope of understanding. It was a shameful display that I will not soon forget.

    April 24, 2013 at 5:19 PM

    That's because Pretl is a liberal tree hugger and he wants all the development in the city limits and no where near where he lives in the County. He fights for WET and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to stop and type of development that requires septic system. The bottom line is he doesn't want anyone living close to him so he wants all the development in the Metro Core, ie Salisbury city limits. Who supported Jake Day for election to unseat Debbie Campbell? The National Association of Realtors, The Coastal Association of Realtors, the developers and the slum lords. Where is the quickest and most profits made? In the city limits where high density and more housing units are allowed. Anyone that supports a Democrat these days are idiots.

  11. Pretl and his local acolytes in the Wicomico Environment Trust are ruining out local economy and stealing our property rights.

  12. A perfect example of democracy being mob rule.

  13. Sorry Chuck Cook but your comment isn't getting published.

  14. I for one don't have a clue what's in the DT. If I want news I come here or go elsewhere on the net.

  15. Here's what makes no sense...my taxpayer dollars support WESM, which plays jazz, and WSCL, which plays classical music. Fine. But why in the world are my taxpayer dollars supporting WSDL and WAMU, which have the SAME FORMAT? Doesn't that make them competitors? What a waste of money!

  16. The Daily Times features more story-telling on its front page today about the mayor and the new council. Telling us how to think and interpret what we see before our very own eyes.

    Jim Ireton was absent from council meetings because he chose to be.

    Ireton and Cohen "verbally sparred" because Ireton was an hissy-fit throwing child at the council's meetings. When that behavior was not accepted as well it should not be, Ireton stomped out and didn't return.

    Why would anyone expect the Daily Times to treat McDermott fairly? I'm a Democrat who respects him. My close Republican friend is a big supporter of Terry Cohen's, even though she is a Democrat and they definitely disagree on many issues. R___ said, "That girl is honest as the day is long. I may not agree with her position on many things, but I know she won't b---s--- me and she does her homework. She even changed my mind more than once."

    This is what has been lost in this country, thanks to sell-out corporate media like the Daily Times. I don't think R___ will ever drop being a Republican, but I am thinking of going independent. Our country has been ruined by party extremists.

  17. That's why I'm actually hoping for total economic collapse in the USA. It doesn't matter how much we complain about our taxes- THEY DON"T CARE. You are totally outnumbered. There are more welfare trash then good people left. That's the truth. There is not one thing we can do to stop the government looting now- only hope for a total meltdown. I can't wait till there is nothing left and the NPR liberals hear static on their radios..forever.

  18. Mike taught classes in the police academy.We would not dare nod off.

  19. Tom Claybaugh strikes again.


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