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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welcome To Maryland


  1. Obama OweMalley MotorsApril 11, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    Welcome to OweMalley-Land, home of High Taxes and Liberal Proggressive Politicians. The place where they Tax Everything under the sunny blue skies, including the rain. If you visiting, don't forget to drop your vallet and leave. If you live here, do not bend over or you might get taxed again.

  2. uh... it was winter in April last week?

  3. 11:48
    Did you not notice the winter temperatures and the snow some parts of Maryland had at the beginning of April? I think this was posted as a joke. ha ha he he...funny? You know laugh a bit!

  4. uh... it was winter in April last week?

    April 11, 2013 at 11:48 AM

    Yes, and then we have temperatures in 80's and 90's. From winter to summer. Get it? We skipped spring. Get it? If I could draw you a picture I would but I can't. I hope that explains it well enough for you to understand now. And remember to hold someone's hand while crossing the street.


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