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Monday, April 08, 2013

Two Gay GWU Students Want Priest Removed From Campus

Students and parishioners are rallying behind a Catholic priest at George Washington University after two gay students said they wanted him removed for supporting the church’s stance on homosexuality.

Seniors Damian Legacy and Blake Bergen want the Rev. Gregory Shaffer booted off campus because he taught that homosexual behavior is immoral. The pair has filed a formal complaint with the school’s administration and are holding a vigil outside the Newman Center, where Father Shaffer serves as a chaplain, until he is removed, Catholic News Agency reports.

“I have never seen Fr. Greg be less than compassionate to any student on an issue of sexuality,” Dawn Eden, who is a parishioner at St. Stephen Martyr Parish, where Father Shaffer is based, told CNA. “He’s been instrumental in helping them to find healing in Christ.”



  1. See? Here we go!

  2. This is a direct attack on Constitutionally protected Freedom of Religious expression which should be chilling to everyone. However, what should be a concern to my friends on the left, is that this attack on the Catholic Church is both intellectually lazy and diverts attention to the true threats to the homosexual cause. Catholics believe that homosexuality is immoral and pray they will be redeemed. Muslims believe that homosexuality is immoral and have them executed. Who should these guys be truly concerned about????

  3. Here's the perfect example of ignorant liberalism. Notice the Christian priest is not calling for all gays to be "booted" off campus! He is merely expressing the views of an established religion that he is a member of, and believes in!
    Notice how the gays don't just counter with their own statement of views on homosexuality's morality? Why?

  4. I disagree with the students. A Catholic priest fits perfectly into that crowd.

  5. How About Removing the 2 gays?

  6. If this two Gay Guys don't like it , oh well senior boys, you have 3 choices - transfer, graduate or shut up & get over it. Why would you expect people to bend over for your belief of accepting perverted lifestyle you deemed to be "normal". And as far as their "vigil" goes, well just hope some Muslims don't show up there.

  7. 4 brats want a priest removed? How many other students want the priest to stay? The rights of the many outweigh the wants of a few. Change colleges instead of forcing others to accommodate your selfish desires.

  8. Alex you need to educate yourself. Georgetown is a Catholic University. I guess you don't believe in free speech for Christians.

    This is the kind of thing that opponents of gay marriage and lgbt laws are afraid of. Soon priests and pastors will be forced to perform marriages in church!

  9. 9:09 exactly, opponents of gay marriage should be afraid because next Obama will force me to marry my cat.

  10. Someone like Alex could come out and say "I want to marry my cat and it is my right to do so. And its not Civil Union betweenman and cat, but I demand it to be called Marriage between husband & husband, got it. And, you Christians, don't judge me, because it's NORMAL NOW."
    So in other words, don't mess with nobody's cat.

  11. "All men are created equal" a concept the Catholic Church really should look into.

  12. Thank goodness they don't reproduce. If we can get them to stop adopting (and spreading their selfish sexual gratification) maybe they will become extinct someday.

  13. 10:14 what the what now? I got the "don't mess with nobody's cat" part, but that's about it.

    10:29 it's people like you who should be extinct some day.
    1950s called and they want you back.

    1. Too bad the 50's aren't here. If so we wouldn't have this nasty epidemic now would we?

  14. Yes "All Men Are Created Equal". What matters is what the men will do in the time before they meet their Creator. And " If You Deny Me Before My Eyes, I Will Deny You Before My Father Who Is In Heaven".

  15. The problem with LGT's is, they want everyone else to think they are normal. The word Acceptance means - We Accept You Are Gay , Lesbian, Transgender or whatever, but you are NOT NORMAL, period. And Marriage is defined as the union between Husband and Wife, not just by Catholic Church, but all Christians. God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.

  16. Alex, here is 50 cents for some vaselina, not get back in the closet.

  17. What NO ONE ever talks about-and it is a huge burden on the healthcare system-is the health risks and disease process that is a result of the type of sexual activity that homosexuals engage in. STD's, anal cancer are reaching all time high levels. Also NO ONE wants to talk about the extremely high correlation of pedophiles that are Male homosexuals.To some of us it is the facts and the impact on society that matter, Alex. P.S. PETA would not approve of you marrying your cat.

  18. Alex, so would you supports kicking out any muslims? Muslims believe that homosexuality is a sin against god.

  19. What Alex is trying to say is we should protect the minority that agree with Gay marriage because they are the minority...and in the same breath he will say that a majority of people want gun control so we should pass a bill for that too. Seems like the liberals just like to changing the rules to fit their perverse lifestyle.


  20. I tell you these gays are trying to take over the world it makes me sick to my stomach.and what makes it worse I'd you disagree with them they always say your intruding on their civil rights being a homosexual has nothing to do with civil rights.

  21. I think I want two pansy GAYS removed from campus.

  22. 1:05 you're brilliant, "being homosexual has nothing to do with civil rights". Sort of like being black, or hispanic, or a woman has nothing to do with civil rights either.

    I have yet to hear an intelligent argument against gay marriage...

  23. You should see a doctor 1:05 about that stomach problem but then what if the Dr is gay? Some of them are you know.

    1. It disgusting and unhealthy, duh.

  24. Alex the problem is you wouldn't know an intelligent argument if it bit you in your behind. That's the problem with liberals. I can't wait til your husband wants to take on a second husband or maybe a few wives.

    1. Problem is Alex gets bit back there too often and now it has affected his brain.

  25. 2:42 the problem is that there are hardly any intelligent arguments to oppose gay marriage. "Because it's in the bible..." is not an intelligent argument.

    I appreciate your concern about my future family life. I'll tell my wife.

    1. Since there is no biblical comprehension on your part I will give you an argument you asked for from Mother Nature. If the sexual intercourse between two males was "so natural" all of the animals would be doing it, right? No, they don't. Even tthe animal knows its Wrong. But maybe if we tell to 2 roosters its ok, because its pretty common in Hollywood. maybe they change their minds, right.

  26. So Alex what would your answer be if your wife decided she wanted a second husband or maybe a wife? Is that ok with you also?

  27. Alex, are you saying Civil Rights fight for equality by people of color to be compared with Lesbian. Gay, Transgender etc. Movement? Have you or some of your partners been subjected to slavery against your will? So, please do not mention Civil Rights with LGBT, that is an insult to the black folks. God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.

  28. Because of two perverts, a man of God should be removed??? These two sick people are the ones who should be removed. The world does not revolve around their sick, twisted lifestyle. They are sick, perverts and disgusting.

  29. Alex. You resort to attacking comments as brilliant (not) or lacking intelligence but yet you offer nothing but name calling. You seem to have opinions that contradict what many people believe and that is fine. If you really wanted to make a point why don't you take the time to explain yourself and substantiate your position.

  30. Oh good grief! Do these two really think they'll be able to clear every person out of their lives who doesn't fall all over them with approval for being gay? Best of luck with that!

  31. Drop their gay behinds in the Middle east--see what kind of welcome they get from Islam.

  32. Alex said...
    10:14 what the what now? I got the "don't mess with nobody's cat" part, but that's about it.

    10:29 it's people like you who should be extinct some day.
    1950s called and they want you back.

    April 8, 2013 at 10:48 AM

    Sorry Alex, your liberal mind is to ignorant to understand 10:29's comment. Guess what, eventually extinction could happen because of homosexuality.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What NO ONE ever talks about-and it is a huge burden on the healthcare system-is the health risks and disease process that is a result of the type of sexual activity that homosexuals engage in. STD's, anal cancer are reaching all time high levels. Also NO ONE wants to talk about the extremely high correlation of pedophiles that are Male homosexuals.To some of us it is the facts and the impact on society that matter, Alex. P.S. PETA would not approve of you marrying your cat.

    April 8, 2013 at 11:50 AM

    Ok, lets talk about it. Alex is Anal Cancer!


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