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Saturday, April 06, 2013

SPD Press Release 4-6-13



  1. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  2. HANG THEM...and show it on TV

  3. So, should I guess, now that this stupid legislation is passed, we will be seeing more press releases from law enforcement? (not that there will be more arrests)

  4. B, YOU NEED TO GET A GRIP,1227.!!!!!""""

  5. I would bet that they didn't have them legally...

  6. I live at the Greens and watched them get hauled away. Not really a surprise considering the obvious nature of their actions. There were several women living there and with all the young male clients going in and out I originally thought it was a brothel.

  7. The important issue here is that the neighbors knew this was going on and they notified the police. We all, black or white, must assist police to get these bumbs off the street.

  8. They are not going any where but to the local jail,be given a bible,and conciling with release in a yrs. time.

  9. The Greens used to be the nicest apartments in town. Now look at it and this is a prime example of all properties in Salisbury that become rentals. If you live in the city limits and you hear they might build apartments close to you it's time to bail out. Run as far as you can. Apartments and rental properties will always bring your home values down due to crime and low income entitlement crowds.

  10. All these PEEPS are coming from Ny And Philly.

  11. The important issue here is that the neighbors knew this was going on and they notified the police. We all, black or white, must assist police to get these bumbs off the street.

    April 6, 2013 at 3:28 PM

    What is a bumb?

    They are not going any where but to the local jail,be given a bible,and conciling with release in a yrs. time.

    April 6, 2013 at 3:31 PM

    People, like you two, who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


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