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Saturday, April 06, 2013

Great Idea

This is one of the best ideas I've ever seen. The baby has something to lean up against, the toys can't get away and it could save countless children from drowning because the have something, besides the slick tub walls, to pull themselves up on in case the fall under the water.


  1. Water ain't deep enough!

  2. Don't let the back of the child's head get close to the faucet, for fear of rearing backwards and hitting their head. Have them facing the faucet at all times. Do NOT leave children alone in a tub, not even for a few seconds, they drown everyday, in the few parents moments that parents leave them alone. The clothes basket appears to be a good idea.

  3. It works great, we did it.

  4. I've seen to many babies drown in bathtubs. Makes me sick to my stomach.

  5. How have you SEEN babies drown in bathtubs? Were you there? Did you drown them? STOP IT with the friggin drama.

  6. the only ones that drown are the ones left alone.

  7. 11:09.. lol I had the same question? haha


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