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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sexual Predator Sign

The Florida county where police post 'sexual predator' road signs outside homes of convicted rapists and child molesters

The sheriff of Bradford County, Florida, decided the reflective signs, which have each offender's name, should be planted on the roadways outside the houses of convicted sexual predators to ward off children.


  1. Let's all re- read the book or see the movie, "The Scarlet Letter" and then regroup and talk about this again. Sheeesh!

  2. 2:06 - stupid, illiterate, or both? The characters in the Scarlet Letter were consenting adults. These real-life deviates are sexual predators who prey on children. Is it beyond your abilities to understand the distinction?

  3. 2:06 PM

    Why? Refresh my memory.

  4. Trying to kill the business in Rehobeth?

  5. In light of your ignorance, 339 and 357, here is a link to lead you to what you missed in the Cliff Notes in high school! Maybe you can read this time before spewing your ignorance first..


  6. 7:38 PM

    What in the hell are you talking about and wtf is your problem?

  7. 827, have you ever read the Constitution and the Bill of rights? If not, keep on bangin'! Idiot.

  8. Anonymous said...
    827, have you ever read the Constitution and the Bill of rights? If not, keep on bangin'! Idiot.

    April 20, 2013 at 9:59 PM

    OH, I, and the rest of us, now know what you are trying to say. You have nothing relevant to say. Someone give him a cookie.

  9. children under 13 most likely would understand that since once a child become a teen(13 years old) they'll be taught about it in school. But not before very often or the last time I checked or might of changed.


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