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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Family Of Slain Bombing Suspect's Widow: 'Our Hearts Are Sickened'

NORTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. -- The family of the widow of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev confirmed Friday that their 24-year-old daughter was married to the Chechen immigrant who died in a confrontation with police earlier in the day, saying, “We cannot begin to comprehend how this horrible tragedy occurred.”

“Our daughter has lost her husband today, the father of her child,” Warren and Judith Russell, whose daughter Katherine was married to Tsarnaev, said in a statement distributed to about a dozen reporters who gathered outside their home in this well-landscaped, upper middle class neighborhood outside Providence.

“In the aftermath of the Patriot’s Day horror, we know that we never knew Tamerlane Tsarnaev,” the statement said, using an alternative spelling of the suspect’s first name. 



  1. "Family of Slain Bombing Suspect's Widow: 'Our Hearts Are Sickened'"

    Slain? Leave it to NBC. Family of DEAD Bombing Suspect would be more appropriate. Slain is what these terrorists did to the Boston victims.
    It's amazing who ends up passing themselves off as a journalist these days.

  2. It's no wonder my students cannot identify "tone"...

  3. This story just gets more and more bizarre.

  4. 2:40-This is the precurser for his brothers defense.The trial objective will be to defend both brothers even though only one is still alive.Trust me;before it's all over with there will be those among us who will question their guilt.Certainly not you or I,but the court of public opinion won't count.Conspiracy is at the heart of the defense and a word we will hear thousands of times in the coming months.Even though the Miranda issue does not officially apply here,the fact that it was not read will be pounded to death.This case is far from over.

  5. oh for pete's sake. Really?

  6. When the parents knew their daughter moved back home from college and started dressing like a Muslim the red flag should have gone up. When they let this "partner" knock up their daughter they should have kicked her to the curb. When they let this Muslim start spending weekends in their home with their daughter proved they are guilty by association. They are highly educated as a physician and a nurse so they should know better. They claimed they didn't even know this guy and couldn't even spell his name, but yet they let them camp out in their daughters bedroom every weekend. They are just as much scum bags as this murderer is. I have no pity for this family and they deserve absolutely no privacy.

  7. Not only does slain set a sympathic tone toward this muslim jihadist terrorist but so does calling what was really his estranged wife his widow.

  8. 5:11 PM

    Do you feel better now? You have become a scum bag from what you posted. I hope your rant was worth it.

    1. Sounds like 10:20 is a scumbag terrorist sympathizer.

  9. "Anonymous said...
    5:11 PM

    Do you feel better now? You have become a scum bag from what you posted. I hope your rant was worth it.

    April 20, 2013 at 10:20 PM"

    LOL-Oh how offended they get when someone speaks NON political correctnese. The 'scum bag' would be a parent whose young daughter was so easily into a lifestyle that is a 100 degree opposite of their upbringing-which appears to be one of tolerance. Do you think for one second the daughter understood the muslim culture esp one so 'devote' that the women wear head coverings? It's not something any decent parent takes lightly.

  10. "“Our daughter has lost her husband today, the father of her child,”"

    Why the attempt to call sympathy to themselves? This is tacky and in extreme poor taste.
    They are not the victims.
    The dopey daughter choose to have a child and marry this extremist without the slightest inkling of his upbring and family. That's brilliant!
    It seems the "scum bag" would be a parent who didn't teach their child to be responsible as opposed to 5:11 who speaks the absolute truth.

  11. They must have been the tolerant type huh 5:11? You know the type-tolerant, inclusive. Too bad their son in law didn't adhere to the same leftist views. Another family wouldn't be mourning the death of their beloved 8 yr old nor the other victims families so devasted.
    What's interesting is how they are trying to make this about them: The "slain" (murdered) bomber, the "widow", the child. They are clearly a study in dysfunction to put it mildly.

  12. "“In the aftermath of the Patriot’s Day horror, we know that we never knew Tamerlane Tsarnaev,”"

    Well whose fault is that you dip$hits!!!! All you had to do was to look online like any REAL parent would do when their young, impressionable daughter gets involved with someone you know nothing about such as their family. Maybe then you would have seen his very public anti American rant videos and al qaeda sympathtic views!!!!

  13. 9:07 AM
    LOL-Oh how offended they get when someone speaks NON political correctnese.

    Is that what you call it, CORRECTNESS? Hate takes on many forms and figures. Calling it by another name, while trying to be funny or relevant, does not change what it is. You don't know these people, or anything else, except what you hear from the media. Be careful with that. They continually prove they are unreliable at best and liars at worse.


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