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Monday, April 08, 2013

Police Militarization, Abuses Of Power, And The Road To Impeachment

These are trying times. Never in the history of this country have we been so weakened and polarized by what many view as deliberate government policy. Now anti-gunners in the U.S. Congress, the Obama administration, and legislatures across the country are seeking to exploit the Newtown tragedy to promote their “gun control” agenda that envisions federal, universal background checks on gun purchases, and that could lead to gun registration and confiscation.

At the same time, the increasing militarization of law enforcement, most visibly demonstrated by the growing use of massive, SWAT-type raids on businesses and individuals, sometimes with federal involvement or authorization, is heightening concerns that this country is moving toward a police state.

Mountain Pure SWAT Raid: The Movie

Mountain Pure Water, LLC is headquartered on Interstate 30 just outside the town of Little Rock, Arkansas. The company manufactures and distributes beverage containers, spring water, fruit drinks, and teas. In January 2012, about 50 federal agents, led by Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Special Agent Cynthia Roberts and IRS Special Agent Bobbi Spradlin, swooped in, guns drawn. Without explanation they shut down plant operations, herded employees into the cafeteria, and confined them to the room for hours. They could not so much as use the bathroom without police escort. Cell phones were confiscated and all Internet and company phones were disabled.

Plant Manager Court Stacks was at his desk when police burst through his office door, guns drawn and pointed at him—a thoroughly unprofessional violation ofbasic firearms discipline in this circumstance, and the cause of numerous accidental SWAT killings.



  1. This is why you NEVER trust a police officer of any kind.
    All of you say, "oh I know sergeant so and so, he would never do that".

    Others say, "Mike will stand for the Constitution"... Yeah... right.
    A lot of these raids are local SWAT trained officers and MSP being "borrowed" by federal "authorities"
    as muscle against imaginary threats!
    Obama's Small Business Administration has an ARMY? wtf?

    The word Democrat has become politically incorrect. They are SOCIALISTS.

  2. Perhaps businesses should consider armed sentries, not to protect them from criminals, but from the storm troopers. Held at gunpoint? No talking? No cell phone use? One might think they were stashing 200 keys of Peruvian flake and laundering Bank of America's drug proceeds. They sell WATER, you wanna-be SS troopers. Water. And you would shoot someone who talked while you held them at gunpoint? Start shooting back and that will slow that BS down.


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