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Monday, April 08, 2013

“Gay Infertility” Is The New Mandatory Health Insurance Frontier

It’s interesting sometimes to read about the last days of past civilizations. It’s hard not to notice during these readings that those last days were filled with completely irrational ideas and behaviors that could not be explained in any way outside of a mass collapse of reason.

In entirely unrelated news, there’s a new proposal to mandate coverage for Gay Infertility. The problem is that Gay Infertility is just biology. Two men and two women are not infertile. They’re just not capable of impregnating each other. This isn’t a medical problem. It’s a mental problem.

Infertility is meant to cover natural couples who would be capable of conceiving a child if not for medical problems. Gay rights activists will predictably argue that couples in which one partner has deeper medical problems may also be covered, but that is only as part of a larger set of natural couples. Unnatural couples cannot ever have children without medical intervention. They’re not infertile. They’re biologically incompatible.


  1. Does this mean they are trying to reproduce this sickness?!!!

  2. Oh, they reproduce all right, in schools, community centers, malls, TV...
    Everywhere you find children you find the LGBT sicko's pushing their agenda trying to recruit new members with slogans like " gay is okay" and
    "don't fear queer" while they challenge children's sexuality.
    Even those that quietly stand by and watch or those that flagrantly support them are guilty in my book.

    Hey people, it's OKAY to disapprove of a perverted lifestyle! We must keep our children safe from them. We are not at fault for speaking out.
    It takes a community to take these immoral people to task. We do not have to tolerate indecency and perversion anymore.

  3. "This isn’t a medical problem. It’s a mental problem."


  4. 6:56 yes, they will give birth to many many gay babies.

  5. So because they choose to have sexual intercourse with the same sex, therefore negating any chance of reproduction, they are deemed "infertile"? Another perfect example of how this minority is completely taking over and destroying our culture.

  6. History is full of stories of the decline of cultures - when homosexuality is condoned, the culture collapses. Read about Soddom and Gomorrah, the greek and roman empires...and think about what's happening right here!

  7. Alex, once again you miss the point.

  8. Question: If two men or two women want to be together than why would they be thinking about having children? Common sense shows that two men or two women can not procreate as GOD meant; therefore, they don't have the right to procreate, UNLESS they cheat on their 'partner'.
    Want children, then walk the straight and narrow as GOD planned.

  9. I have a question, as a single parent I have been told over and over by many that children need and should have a relationship with both a mom and dad. That children benefit by having such a relationship. Homosexuals, do not give their children both a mom and dad. So why are their children don't need both a mom and dad, but single, hetorsexuals, such as myself who have children are told over and over how our children need both a mom and dad

    1. Maybe they play pretend mom and dad with wigs,dresses,and possibly fake boobs. The best thing is they can switch roles.And noooo I'm sure this doesn't affect the kids at all. Because when they grow up they can repeat the sick and selfish behavior.

  10. To Alex: there is no single argument against gay marriage. There are many. It basically comes down to the degradation of our society and the sickness it is spreading.

  11. Sorry Alex, don't you know anything about science. You should know that by nature a homosexual couple is infertile with each other. They could not give birth to a gay baby. No matter how you try to make it seem like it's normal it never will be based on science.

    1. It's nothing personal Alex. I could care less that you are gay and I don't hate you as a person. I just don't think we should be intentionally trying to turn the whole country gay. Sorry.


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