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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Police: Bombing Suspects Planned More Attacks

BOSTON (AP) -- As churches paused to mourn the dead and console the survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing Sunday, the city's police commissioner said the two suspects had such a large cache of weapons that they were probably planning other attacks. The surviving suspect remained hospitalized and unable to speak with a gunshot wound to the throat.

After the two brothers engaged in a gun battle with police early Friday, authorities found many unexploded homemade bombs at the scene, along with more than 250 rounds of ammunition.

Police Commissioner Ed Davis said the stockpile was "as dangerous as it gets in urban policing."



  1. I went online and found a step by step, with pictures, instructions of how to make a homemade bomb. Very identical to the type employed at Boston. There was also instructions to make bombs from kitchen supplies.

    Now, if I can find those, ANYONE can find those. And most likely, they would not be detected by any bomb sniffing dog or chemical testing, like they do at airports.

    If someone wants to get someone else, or hurt total strangers, like in Boston, it is very easily possible. No amount of TSA, DHS, Checkpoints, asking for papers or anything else short of manually inspecting each bag, person, car, container, etc., will ever stop it.

    So the next time you are asked to give up yet another right, liberty, convenience, whatever, think about that.

    We are taking our shoes off and getting scanned at airports while anyone and everyone walk across our borders and goes anywhere in the U.S.A they chose.

    Remember that exercise on Sesame Street, one of these things does not belong here?

    Why do we give up our rights for no real safety, while others come and go as they please, and we give them driver licenses, cell phones, free medical care, free education, IN-STATE TUITION RATES, everything, but citizenship, and that is next if obammy and others have their way.

    We are being played as fools, and they do a good job unfortunately.

    We give them our money, our rights, our LIVES. They manipulate us to hate one another, to keep us busy so we don't notice what they are doing.

    I don't think Boston is one of them, but they stage events like that to use it to get what they want. Next they will be banning the gunpowder.

    When does it end? How much are we to take? When will someone stand up and say enough is enough?

    When are we going to come together as American citizens? When?

  2. TELL ME WHY AMERICAApril 22, 2013 at 4:13 AM

    Michelle Obama is visiting the families of the Terrorist, but will not go and visit those who had arms and legs blown off by these clowns.

  3. 11:00, I believe this also. It was just to "well done" imo, it was all wrapped up in record time. There are so many things that just don't make sense about the whole thing.

  4. Maybe we need a background check on everyone buying pressure cookers...

  5. I see a comment worthy of a post joe

  6. Lets see, the first guy was run over (by his brother??) now he isn't talking. Second guy conviently shot in the throat, now he isn't talking. I got a feeling he better not write something down or he's going to have broken hands. Also where is the forensic evidence on the security guard cop that was shot. You know once you shoot a cop, well, all bets are off. Got a feeling the government narrative is all we will get on that. Lesson learned DO NOT BE A FBI PATSY. Innocent people get killed along with yourself.

  7. @ 9:12 am... Who are you, one of the terrorist's family members? You certainly are not an American!

  8. I know, our representitives are spending more time to take away our rights, at the same time ballistic training can be found online. Lot of fertilizer here on the shore to steal.

    I do still believe Oswald was a patsy, Carlos Marcello, the mob boss in New Orleans hated the Kennedy's and Bobby had called Jimmy Hoffa before congress, who also disappeared.

    I know the movie JFK was dramatized, however if you read the credits at the end, the evidence of Clay Shaw using the alias Clay Bertrand was thrown out of court because he had not been read his rights during initial questioning, however, after the fact the CIA did release JFK papers proving he was a CIA operative using the name Clay Bertrand.

    The Warren commision bungled that case from beginning to end.

  9. Anonymous said...
    @ 9:12 am... Who are you, one of the terrorist's family members? You certainly are not an American!

    April 22, 2013 at 11:31 AM

    Why would you say something like that?

  10. 11:55 AM

    A lot of CIA operatives have later turned against us, or outlived their usefulness.

    Saddam Hussien, Osama Bin Laden.

    The most recent examples that I can think of.

  11. 11:31 American as I wanna be bro. Who are you, a typical lefist media brainwashed idiot?

  12. @ 9:12 am- I'm sorry, I interpreted your message wrong (as in support of these terrorists).
    And no, not a leftist anything-Far, far from it. Count me in as a conservative Republican for 27 yrs and proud American, who misread your message. (also...Not a "bro", I'm a female).


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