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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Four Israeli Tech Firms To Open Maryland Offices

Four high-tech Israeli firms on Tuesday unveiled plans to open offices in Maryland.

The news comes as Gov. Martin O'Malley and state business leaders are in the midst of an economic trade mission in Israel and Jordan.

The companies, Shekel Scales, Askimo, Roboteam and Hybrid Security, range from a global provider of electronic scales and weighing systems to a startup developing web fraud detection solutions.



  1. I think this is a bit misleading. I don't think it was actually Shekel Scales that "opened it's office in Owings Mills earlier this year" but another company, a distributorship for Shekel which incidently has been in business for over 20 years and may have just relocated to a larger facility within MD.

  2. this does nothing to help md when other companies are leaving...

  3. O'suckhole is probably giving them tax incentives and tax breaks to come here, meanwhile, he's raising taxes on existing companies to pay for it!

  4. As always, negative and bitter. Why are you so mserable?

  5. Probably gave them an exemption from the rain tax.

  6. Its not "negative and bitter" its truth...Omally is probably going to give these company big time tax insentives for "locating to MD" and as soon as those give me's run out ...they pack up and leave..

  7. Alex teling people they are always negative and bitter? Boy is that the pot calling the kettle black. Alex NEVER has anything nice to say. He just likes to make those snide comments.

  8. Alex must be one of o'malleys lap dogs. good boy alex

  9. Right 10:18 Now Alex go fetch a bone!

  10. If I had to guess, the last name of Alex is Smoot!

  11. Ahhhhh... Maryland, the FLEE State!

  12. What about the thousands he is trying to put out of business, the ones that went out of business and the ones he has driven out of the state. Where are his priorities should help the ones in his own state and country.

  13. He is bribing these companies into the state, then they will lose the perks, become heavily taxed, then leave MD for a better deal in another state.


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