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Friday, April 26, 2013

Couple Survives Drug Crazed Home Invader Because Of Their AR-15

Philadelphia, PA — A couple whose names are being withheld by police were outside of their apartment on Friday, when Jasper Brisbon, who they said appeared to be on drugs, walked up and began staring at them. He did this for several minutes as the couple grew increasingly uncomfortable. Eventually, they decided to go inside of their apartment to get away from Brisbon, but he followed them.
That’s when things really took a turn for the worse.

When the man opened the door, Jasper Brisbon pushed his way past them into the apartment.

At that point, the man grabbed his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and told Jasper Brisbon to leave. Brisbon refused his request and started moving towards him in a threatening manner. That’s when the man shot him in the chest and sent Brisbon to the ground. Afterwards, the man called police.



  1. thanks for this story with another good ending. you didn't here about this from the MSM.

  2. In Maryland, since the man was not armed, and if there was no "No Trespassing" sign posted on the HOUSE ITSELF, the homeowner's actions would be considered assault with a deadly weapon and quite possibly murder or something on that scale. His gun would be confiscated for one year plus the 6 months it takes to beg to get it back to allow the "victim" or his family time to press such charges.
    I know first hand.

    Md Resident

  3. Thank you for posting a story such as this. These events need as much coverage as any others. And the comments need to fly as well! This is the only way to fight the Liberals; with real situation common sense exercises every day here in America. (excluding Maryland, I guess)

    On second thought, Maybe more Maryland and similar state stories of homeowners being arrested and guns confiscated for defending themselves should be exploited as well.

    When it happened to me, I had no thoughts of writing about it and blogging it out there, but now, in hindsight, it might have helped thwart the conceptualization of this latest bill, who knows? I urge all of you to blog about your stories. Things may come out into the sunshine as a result!

    MD Resident 5:22

  4. 5:22 i never understood why i need a no trespassing sign on my private property. isn't the definition private property enough? can you explain this to me? seriously.

  5. 5:22 You may be correct, but I will drop him anyway. Screw the liberals.

  6. Lived in Florida, Jack, for 13 years. I got tired of hot summer day all year and no 4 seasons, and in the Keys, discharge of a firearm is illegal. So I left.


    But, I see what you're sayin'!


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