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Friday, April 26, 2013

CISPA Is Dead; Internet 'Privacy' Safe Again (For Now)

The controversial cybersecurity bill, known, ever so gently as, the Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) - since it's for your own good - that passed the House last week[3] looks set to be shelved in the Senate according to representatives. The bill would have allowed the federal government to share classified "cyber threat" information with companies, but it also provided provisions that would have allowed companies to share information about specific users with the government. Privacy advocates also worried, rightly so given previous experience, that the National Security Administration would have gotten involved. As US News reports
[4], Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., chairman of the committee, said the passage of CISPA was "important," but said the bill's "privacy protections are insufficient." One of CISPA's staunchest opponents, the ACLU, added, "CISPA is too controversial, it's too expansive, it's just not the same sort of program contemplated by the Senate last year." While this is a short-term victory for everyone who uses the web, the ACLU warns, "we need to be vigilant as the year moves on to make sure that whatever the next product is, it's not CISPA- lite."


  1. B.S. Thousands and Thousands of NSA personnel diligently sift through personal e-mails every minute of the day.

  2. 318 is correct, and I'm sure it will continue once a bIll like these last 3 are possibly passed under some nice sounding name or another. Thing is, they break in and read our email to show us the need for these stupid bills in the first place! Is anyone out there with an email account without a password? No? Answer is, yes, all of us! Not only does the NSA not need passwords to read your email, they are working with 20 YEAR OLD TOTALLY UNSECURE equipment that gets hacked all the time! I was just sent an email that my Small Business registration information was hacked along with several million others, and, by the way, your information, which included my business checking account number and FEIN, has expired and needs to be updated and renewed!!!!!! REALLY? Hey, guys, guess who I DON'T NEED AS A JOB REFERRAL SERVICE!!!!


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