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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wrigley’s Wants You To Get Your Caffeine Boost From Gum Instead Of Boring Old Coffee

So there you are at the breakfast table, sipping some coffee or perhaps tossing back a fewcaffeinated Cracker Jacks and it’s like, “Ugh. This is so boring but I need caffeine or I will positively die right here from exhaustion!” Wrigley’s thinks it’s got the solution for you, and true to the company tradition, it’s in a chewable form: caffeinated gum, anyone?

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Wrigley’s is targeting consumers 25 and older who want a pop of caffeine on the go. Alert Energy Caffeine Gum already has a Web site (albeit, one with not too much info) and is set to go on sale next month at convenience stores, supermarkets and big retailers in the U.S.


  1. I wish Wrigelys would make a breakfest sausage flavored bubble gum.

  2. Lemme guess - there'll be the usual outrage when kids start buying it. You'll then have to show ID to buy chewing gum, but will still be able to vote with a copy of a cable bill.

  3. wouldn't you rather have a larger size of whatever you drink?

  4. Gatorade has Energy gummies

  5. this is wrong on so many levels.


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