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Sunday, March 10, 2013

NYC Soda Size Rule Eyed From Coffee Shops To Clubs

NEW YORK (AP) -- At barbecue joints, coffee counters and bottle-service nightclubs, a coming clampdown on big, sugary soft drinks is beginning to take shape on tables and menus in a city that thrives on eating and going out.

Some restaurants are ordering smaller glasses. Dunkin' Donuts shops are telling customers they'll have to sweeten and flavor their own coffee. Coca-Cola has printed posters explaining the new rules, and a bowling lounge is squeezing carrot and beet juice as a potential substitute for pitchers of soda at family parties -- all in preparation for the nation's first limit on the size of sugar-laden beverages, set to take effect Tuesday.

Some businesses are holding off, hoping a court challenge nixes or at least delays the restriction. But many are getting ready for tasks including reprinting menus and changing movie theaters' supersized soda-and-popcorn deals.



  1. Fed Up With Government ControlMarch 11, 2013 at 1:38 AM

    Too much government when they make a law to tell you the size of what you drink. One of the things people are letting the powers that be do until they control every aspect of our lives.

  2. Just do like Little Caesar's and give two drinks per meal. You'll have to cut the sandwiches in half though!

  3. Time to begin mandatory sentencing laws for possesion of oversized soft drinks and coffee. We need law and order!

  4. Damn right,and impose the death penalty to anyone who is caught with a Big Gulp.


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