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Monday, March 18, 2013


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley issued the following statement on the passage of the Administration’s bill to repeal the death penalty in Maryland. The final vote count on the bill is 82-56 in the Maryland House of Delegates:

“With today's vote to repeal the death penalty in Maryland, the General Assembly is eliminating a policy that is proven not to work. Evidence shows that the death penalty is not a deterrent, it cannot be administered without racial bias, and it costs three times as much as life in prison without parole. What's more, there is no way to reverse a mistake if an innocent person is put to death.

"I’d like to thank Benjamin Jealous and Gerald Stansbury of the NAACP, Senator Raskin, Senator Gladden and Delegate Rosenberg for their leadership on this issue, Ben Civiletti and the other members of the Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment - and all of the members of the General Assembly who’ve worked to make this vote a reality. I’d also like to thank Maryland Citizens Against State Executions, and all of our faith leaders and coalition partners who’ve worked so hard to get this done."

The Governor will make a case-by-case decision regarding the five inmates currently on death row.


  1. Don't forget to vote Rudolph Cane out of office.

  2. this is bs. glad John Thanos is gone since the idiots at ECI let him out. He won't kill anymore. DOn't tell me it is not a deterrent.

  3. So the taxpayers gets to pay for the scumbags for the rest of their natural life, not to mention paying for ALL their medical expenses, as well as transgender surgeries, tummy tucks and who knows what else. Smart move o'moron!

  4. Nice work,I am sure this much appreciated by our Law Enforcement,its a shame our Policemen have to put up with a General Assembly full of idiots and their leader Governor O'Dumbass.

  5. The murder rate will go up in Maryland. So, Democrats do this and then try to take my gun away so I can't protect myself? Makes sense to me. This state will just continue to get worse because most Democrats vote a straight party line ticket, and they just don't know any better. When they get hit with a 42cent gas tax next year they will blame that on Bush as well.


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