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Monday, March 18, 2013

Boehner Says He Would Oppose Marriage Equality Even If Son Was Gay

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) — who is spending millions of taxpayer dollars opposing marriage equality — told ABC’s This Week that he could never see himself supporting same-sex unions, despite the growing evolution towards marriage for all within the Republican Party.

Responding to Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) change of heart on the issue, Boehner said that he “appreciates” his friend’s new position, but insisted that “I believe that marriage is a union of a man and a woman” and predicted that he would not change his mind even if he found out that his own son is gay:



  1. Would he at least cry?

  2. Marriage equality is no different then legal sex with animals.

  3. 10:50 care to elaborate? I didn't think that sex with animals was legal.
    Or are you saying that somehow legalizing gay marriage would make you want to screw your cat?

  4. Alex,
    Sodomy is sodomy. Period.

  5. That is really sad if his son/daughter is gay.

  6. Alex said...
    10:50 care to elaborate? I didn't think that sex with animals was legal.
    Or are you saying that somehow legalizing gay marriage would make you want to screw your cat?

    March 18, 2013 at 11:59 AM

    Alex, there are laws on the books about sodomy and gay sex. Putting a mans genital reproductive organ in another mans excretory canal contaminated with fecal matter is sick and not normal. It is unnatural and perverted.

  7. Anonymous said...
    That is really sad if his son/daughter is gay.

    March 18, 2013 at 12:49 PM

    Quit being such a soft hearted liberal. You should have raised your child better than that.

  8. Why would it be "really sad" 12:49? He is not entitled to his opinion on this matter?

  9. 1:00 if you think that homosexuality is a choice, you're considering it.

  10. I support John Boehner even more now. Good for him for having the guts to say the right thing and to think for himself. Shame on you liberals and soft hearted RINO's who can't think for yourselves.

  11. there are laws on the books about sodomy and gay sex...12:58

    All laws on sodomy were struck down and made invalid by the Supreme Court years ago, maybe you need to catch up.

  12. How you raise your child has nothing to do with them being gay or not. What you teach is self hatred if they do happen to be gay.

  13. And this is why the GOP can't win an election.

  14. How can gay marriage be legal in Md if sodomy is on the books as a felony? Are you telling me that two gay men are gonna just sit around and hold hands, maybe sing a song or two? Maybe they should legalize sodomy before they legalize gay marriage. Just sayin'.

  15. It's just not right. It sounds like some kind of dysfunctional perversion that by being married will somehow justify this behavior. Enough is enough! Again, someone who helps these people is only causing further immorality of this once great country. All for votes. Shame shame.

  16. 7:30
    What about two women? Ok with that?

    Just sayin'

    1. No but i don't think women do that. Maybe I'm wrong?

  17. Sodomy is legal, genius.

    1. 9:16: show me where it says that in the md annotated code GENIUS.

  18. Please see the post at 1:55. Maybe you're not sure how the judicial branch of the federal government works.


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