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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Senate Committee Hears Bill That Would Force Elected Officials To Pay Back Legal Fees

A State Senate panel on Wednesday heard a bill that would force any future John Leopolds to pay back legal fees.

Senate Bill 210, introduced by Sen. Bryan Simonaire, R-Pasadena, would hold elected officials in Maryland liable for costs associated with breaking the law.

Leopold resigned as county executive in February after being convicted of criminal misconduct. He also faces two federal lawsuits from former county employees who allege they were wrongfully terminated from their jobs.

Leopold said he will pay for his legal defense if found guilty but he will not pay any settlements without his consent. He paid for his own counsel in the criminal misconduct trial.


1 comment:

  1. Here...? in Maryland...? Although a wonderful dream.., this has as much chance of passage as I do of walking on the moon I'm sorry to say.


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