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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Maryland Airports Make Plea To Keep Control Towers

McLEAN, Va. (AP) — Five airports in Maryland are making their case to the Federal Aviation Administration to keep their air traffic control towers.

The airports in Hagerstown, Frederick, Easton, Salisbury and Middle River are on a list of 238 small and mid-size airports across the country that might lose their control towers. The FAA is looking to cut costs after automatic federal budget cuts went into effect earlier this week.



  1. There aren't that many airplanes landing in Salisbury that they need a control tower!

  2. actually in terms of monthly traffic the Salisbury airport is the second busiest airport in Maryland

  3. They have the same amount of money that they had before the "sequester". How did they operate before? Dumb #$%&'s.

  4. go ahead play obamas games. that is all that this is and it is so disgraceful that this is what this country has become.

  5. 255 is completely 100% correct!

  6. Frederick is the 2nd busiedt airport in Maryland behind BWI, not Salisbury.

  7. From Wiki-"In October 2010, Frederick Municipal Airport received 4.8 million dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to build and staff a control tower at the airport. Work commenced Oct 2010 and an air traffic control tower, with accompanying Class D airspace, was commissioned May 1, 2012."

    This is just another example of obama's debacles. Handing out stimulus money for useless shortlived projects.

  8. If the tower are not needed why are they there? (non airplane person).

  9. 4:54, meet 4:52! EXACTLY!

  10. If you believe that the sequester caused these closing, then I have some beach front property in Colorado to sell you.

  11. For real 6:30. The funny thing is that it was obamabucks that paid for these useless towers that obviously now we are learning the airports didn't even need to begin with. obama so stupid he must have forgotten this when he ordered them closed just so he could attempt to make a point.

  12. Trust me when I say, They are not going to allow planes to fly at will! This is just another SCARE TACTIC, a p[rocess being perfected by the democrat party.


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