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Saturday, March 09, 2013

SD Gov Signs Into Law That Teachers Can Be Armed

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed into law Friday a measure allowing the state's school districts to arm teachers and other personnel with guns, the first of its kind since the Connecticut school shooting.

Supporters say the so-called sentinels could help prevent tragedies such as December's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., in which 20 students and six teachers died. The law will go into effect July 1.

The bill's main sponsor, Rep. Scott Craig, R-Rapid City, said he started working with federal law enforcement officials on the measure in early November, and the Connecticut tragedy weeks later "only affirmed the rightness of this bill." He said the measure does not force a district to arm its teachers or force teachers to carry a gun.



  1. Good idea. All should follow his example. It's about time someone stepped up to the plate to protect out kids in schools. Let's include malls and other "Gun free" zones!

  2. I have been an advocate of this from the start. And, I firmly believe that SD teachers will now, never have to use their new potential. The mere knowledge that they will be confronted with similar armament will be enough to counter any shooter's agenda.

  3. So, the same people that have been arguing for years that teachers are lazy, overpaid union stooges who get summers off now want them to be armed?

    Will y'all make up your minds?

  4. No thats how to keep school kids safe.

  5. republican kneejerk reaction that is an accident waiting to happen. alot of teachers cant even handle a lesson plan or classroom let alone a gun.

  6. Those who choose to carry will undergo training first, if they are not already. They are probably frequent shooters in the first place, and would stay in practice for this.Great move. This will actively prevent future mass shootings.

  7. Awesome! I think I need to move there. :)


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