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Saturday, March 09, 2013

Daily Times Misrepresents Council Candidate Cynthia Polk

In today's Daily Times they created an article suggesting Cynthia Polk might concede her run for Council, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE. 

Cynthia wanted to ask the OTHER Council Member Candidates to consider conceding and never told the Daily Times anything other than that.  


  1. What is the purpose of a newspaper if they an't get something as simple as that right?
    If they were our employees we'd show them the door for such a time-sensitive and manipulative "error".

  2. Why don't Shanie drop out!!

  3. “The news isn't there to tell you what happened. It's there to tell you what it wants you to hear or what it thinks you want to hear.”
    ― Joss Whedon, Astonishing X-Men, Vol. 2: Dangerous

    “A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier.”
    ― H.L. Mencken

    “The average newspaper, especially of the better sort, has the intelligence of a hillbilly evangelist, the courage of a rat, the fairness of a prohibitionist boob-jumper, the information of a high school janitor, the taste of a designer of celluloid valentines, and the honor of a police-station lawyer.”
    ― H.L. Mencken

    “One of the cardinal rules of journalism: Once you have cabled a story you must stick by it and back it up, unless something completely overwhelming proves you to have been wrong. In such a case, just drop the matter.”
    ― Wynant Davis Hubbard, Fiasco in Ethiopia

    “I never read the paper myself. Why bother? It's the same old shit day in and day out, dictators beating the ching-chong out of people weaker than they are, men in uniforms beating the ching-chong out of soccer balls or footballs, politicians kissing babies and kissing ass.”
    ― Stephen King, Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales

    “I'm glad we haven't got newspapers now. It's been much nicer without them.”
    ― Nevil Shute, On the Beach

  4. She needs to SUE the paper they probably cost her the election.

  5. DT can't decide the time of day of that accident on Thursday night, either.

  6. I hope people will stand by Ms. Polk, and give her a chance. She has some really good ideas if she were just given the chance to speak and explain them.

  7. The Daily Times is just pathetic. If my husband was willing to do the computer I would never buy another hard copy. But whomever is reading this from The Daily Times, who time of extinction is coming and it won't be far from now. You are a sad example of the LOCAL PAPER that we use to depend on.

  8. They should do a front page retraction.

    This is just despicable. And the closer it gets to the election, the MORE DESPICABLE they get!

  9. Shaney needs to go. She has been a mayor disaster to Salisbury.
    Unfortunately she loves to travel around the state calling herself an "ambassador" for Salisbury.
    Aren't you proud of her? We are paying her for this misrepresentation.
    And Liarton and Barry T. support her!
    District 1 people - wake up! She has more than 60 constituents, doesn't she?

  10. The DT retraction/correction should be be in 48 point type on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, front page, above the fold.

  11. Regardless - o0ne of them needs to drop out for the good of the people - or we'll get two more years of Shields!

  12. Let jackson Go, then POLKS votes go WAY over shanie shields.

  13. Tommy Clabough strikes again.


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