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Tuesday, March 05, 2013


Democrats and the media have accused Tea Party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) of "McCarthyism" merely for posing tough questions to and about Chuck Hagel during the latter's confirmation as Secretary of Defense. Yet a recent column by former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich reveals who the real McCarthyites are in U.S. politics today, as Reich likens the Tea Party to a conspiracy "to undermine the government of the United States."

Reich, who has steadfastly supported President Barack Obama's big-government, tax-and-spend agenda, wrote that the Tea Party had "infiltrated" the government at every level, and had used the budget cuts in the sequester to begin "dismantling pieces of it." He outlined the rest of his conspiracy theory at the left-wing Salon.com:
Imagine a plot to undermine the government of the United States, to destroy much of its capacity to do the public’s business, and to sow distrust among the population.

Imagine further that the plotters infiltrate Congress and state governments, reshape their districts to give them disproportionate influence in Washington, and use the media to spread big lies about the government.

Finally, imagine they not only paralyze the government but are on the verge of dismantling pieces of it.

Far-fetched? Perhaps. But take a look at what’s been happening in Washington and many state capitals since Tea Party fanatics gained effective control of the Republican Party, and you’d be forgiven if you see parallels.



  1. Excuse me - that's what the Democrats have been doing for years....they give stuff away in exchange for votes....

  2. No its the communist liberals that have done that.

  3. The Communist party has infiltrated the United States Government led by Obama.
    Funny how progressives(which is a euphemism for communist)claim an organization promoting the Constitution is undermining the Government when that is EXACTLY what they have done.

  4. Haha, have another cup of coffee 10:06.

  5. What? Finger pointing? Surely only one side can conspiracy theorists!

    Conservatives accusing liberals? Liberals accusing conservatives? How dare you!

  6. how about the loons on both sides sit down and let folks who enjoy following common sense make the decisions for once.

  7. The Tea Party are the only common sense people out here.

  8. 11:29. I believe that you are onto something. However, I also believe in The Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

  9. Hoping the Teabaggers and their party stay around for a long time. As long as they are around, Democrats will continue to win General Elections.

  10. Notice how 2012 and huge GOP wins are never mentioned in talk about how to fix the GOP.

    There is no freedom of the Press or Speech in America.

    Tea Party/Conservative talk is all but illegal.

  11. The tea party is the only political force that the communists are afraid of. The Tea Party has core convictions and are willing to fight for them. The communists know that control of the MSM can always manipulate the weak minded people (see 2:03) and the wishy washy Republicans to compromise and bend towards their goals of ignoring the constitution and impowering a ruthless dictator.
    As the clown in the White House continues on his destruction of American from every angle more of the people will see the only true alternative.

  12. It's called projection and it is pretty common in the mentally impaired.


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