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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Md. Boy Suspended For Turning Pastry Into Weapon

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, Md. (WJZ) — Another Maryland child has been suspended from school for what some say was a simple childhood act. But school officials say the seven-year-old was threatening violence with a breakfast pastry. Now the boy’s family is outraged.

Kai Jackson has both sides of the controversy.

It’s being called the “Pop Tart pistol” but the Anne Arundel County school system isn’t laughing.

Seven-year-old Joshua Welch had a rough morning last week at Park Elementary in Brooklyn Park.



  1. It's getting more difficult to live in Maryland every day. This kind of crap is getting out of hand.

  2. Life of crime starts out with pop tart pistol.
    Those poor children need conciling from retarded threatening adults!

  3. Obama, O'Malley, Reid, Pellosi and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive/Marxist jerks keep talking about "common sense" laws. Where's the common sense in suspending this boy for a pastry that may or may not look like a gun. And also the kid that was showing a picture on his camera/phone of his new BB gun that got suspended. This crap is getting beyond ridiculous, it's just plain stupid. Come on people wake up and get these idiots out of office, they are going to ruin the once great country and us along with it.

  4. I was thinking about taking a box of donuts to the ladies at my bank,but now I'm having second thoughts.I don't want to walk in with donuts and walk out in handcuffs.

  5. That's funny. The school says a counsellor is available for students to talk. I can see where a pop tart gun could scar one for life. Give me a break!

  6. I have tootsie rolls that look like BULLETS.

  7. Lock his ass up.

  8. 130 obviously you have no kids...thank god.lol

  9. This crap has just gotten rediculous. When we were kids we played cowboys and Indians and army men. All of which included either imagined weapons or toys. Thus country and its rulers need to get a grip. It's just kids being kids. Now it's all about kicking them out if school for imagined violence or sexual harrasment when a 5 year old boy kisses his kindergarten girlfriend on the check. Be for real folks

  10. haha. look at their smiles.

  11. The liberals have made George Orwell's 1984 look like childs play compared to the bizzarre politically correct world that they are creating. This has got to stop NOW.


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