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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Evidence: CIA and MI6 Were Told Before Invasion That Iraq Had No Active WMD

Fresh evidence is revealed today about how MI6 and the CIA were told through secret channels by Saddam Hussein’s foreign minister and his head of intelligence that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction.

Tony Blair told parliament before the war that intelligence showed Iraq’s nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programme was “active”, “growing” and “up and running”.

A special BBC Panorama programme tonight will reveal how British and US intelligence agencies were informed by top sources months before the invasion that Iraq had no active WMD programme, and that the information was not passed to subsequent inquiries.


  1. Why not? Every other sane person knew it.Why would'nt the most sophisticated intelligence agency on earth also know it?

    1. 9:47 you are a genuine idiot and people like you are this nation's weekness.

  2. So these "secret channels" are somehow supposed to be credible? Who believes this crap?!!!

  3. So now we are supposed to believe Saddam Hussein's foreign minister

  4. The issue isn't really whether Iraq had WMDs or not. We know they did. There were numerous UN inspectors who went there in the 1990s and examined them. President Clinton and the UN at the time was constantly dealing with that issue in the late 90s, issuing numerous resolutions to no avail.

    The real question is, when were they moved to another country? And which country has them now?

  5. thank you 11:24. the truth seems to get lost when the "liberal lapdog newmedia" doesn't report truth. this is why most clueless americans don't trust conservatives. they've been spoon fed lies for so long they are brain dead.

  6. lol, funny how you guys keep moving that target. First it was "saddam has weapons", then it was "saddam is working on a weapons program", then it was "well saddam is just a bad guy". Whats worse is that while we chased nukes in iraq, wearing down our military and the budget, we have iran plugging away at their nuke program and missle capabilities. Go figure.

  7. Love it or hate it,this new evidence is dead on.I have the utmost respect for the soldiers who died during the Iraq war,but the WMD's simply did not exist.

    1. And I guess you consulted with your crystal ball? You sure are a silly one 4:25 PM.

  8. We invaded a country and accomplished NOTHING over SUSPECTED weapons of mass destruction. North Korea REALLY has them, is starving its poulation, is confining generations of its citizens to hard labor in gulags, and is threatening (did Iraq ever threaten to nuke the U.S.?) Japan, South Korea, and the USA with a PREEMPTIVE nuclear strike and we want to negotiate with them? Pakistan spreads nuclear technology and we send them 2.5 billion. We don't start "conflicts" because of any suspected weapons. We start "conflicts" to sell weapons and make campaign contibutors rich. And, of course, sell prosthetics to the poor and middle class kids who come back without arms, legs, eyes, and hands. Eisenhower WARNED us about that. Most of you are too busy chanting "USA! USA! USA!" to pay attention to whats really happening. Doesn't stop it from happening, but you feel good, don't ya? EXACTLY what they want....

    1. A lot of talk 8:00 PM. You are poorly misinformed. Plenty of words make not a case and surely proves nothing. Do a little more research please.

  9. High five lmclain

  10. I stated the facts. YOU are the one with "words". Point out the error of my statements. Was it the kids coming back with no legs? The money sent to Pakistan? North Korea's belligerent threats? Eisenhower's warning? The grossly rich U.S. arms dealers, who sell weapons to BOTH sides? What? Where did I mis-state the truth?


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