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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Md. Senate Approves Health Care Reform Bill

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- The Maryland Senate has passed a measure to further implement federal health care reform.

The Senate voted 35-11 for the bill on Wednesday.

It provides a funding stream for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, which is a new insurance market that will offer residents a choice of private health plans.



  1. How do you spell revenue stream...TAXES.

  2. " which is a new insurance market that will offer residents a choice of private health plans."

    Not a choice but a handful of choices.
    No more will a healthy young person have the option of a low premium/higher deductable plan without being penalized. It's designed to basically put everyone on a level playing field with regards to premiums. Like to see the list of senators who voted for this. Either they are complete and absolute morons or they completely and totally believe in socialism.

  3. a shorter list would be the ones who did not vote for it. The list of those in favor should be published

  4. Of course the "news" doesn't dare publish the bill number in order to make it easier for us to check up on this bill.
    Just just gotta love the way the call it offering residents of MD "a choice." No it is not a choice but some options to choose from otherwise you will be taxed through your income taxes.
    The democrats in this state should be ashamed of themselves the way they continually deceive the public such as this so called


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