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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Could The Rumor About VA. Arsonist Be True?

This just in from a viewer...

"My brother lives in Exmore, Va.. He says they have found the arsonist. An under cover person somehow associated with the Sheriff Dept.. The person has killed himself. That is the rumor in Va"..


  1. Dep Sheriff killed himself but i dont think its True.

  2. We can only hope!

  3. If true, I hate that he took the cowards way out. I would have preferred to see him say why he did it and call out who it is he was doing this for. Frankly, he did a service to the area.

  4. in retrospect, he was doing the county a favor by getting rid of the abandoned run down eye sore buildings. Nobody got injured. Who's the victim?

  5. There were no fires last night,if that means anything.

  6. 10:17 Not his decision. What if he went out and murdered people he deemed comminity problems? Most of these guys graduate to worse crimes if un caught.Supposedly child molesters and firebugs are the hardest to "cure".

  7. He was kind of a vigilante arsonist.

  8. Nope...wrong guy.

  9. I have heard from a person that lives in Virginia that there was a belief the arsonist was a Deputy Sheriff.

  10. Stop and think before you think he is or was being a do gooder by burning down buildings!!! Think about the countless lives that have been put in danger responding to these fires. Just because they were abandon buildings doesn't mean lives weren't jeopardized everything he lights a fire. It could be your loved ones in an accident responding or in the process of responding to these fires. You wouldn't think what he is doing is so harmless then!!! Think before you put it out there !!

  11. I heard someone did committ suicide that was involved but that he only left a letter implicating the Deputy Sheriff involved as well...funny how the fires have stopped though

  12. 11:21 It's called "practice", better than them washing their trucks or going grocery shopping.

  13. Who's the victim?
    How about the firefighters and their families???

  14. How about Tax payers dollars going to waste!

  15. 12:19 pm

    Ignorance is bliss isn't it?? That's why they have controlled burns. Who in there right mind would support an arsonist? Oh wait you have same sick twisted thinking. You can't argue with ignorance. See ya Bye!!!

  16. You can't argue with ignorance. See ya Bye!!!

    March 28, 2013 at 1:53 PM

    Then why did you open your mouth?

  17. The CBS interview with fire dept personnel suggested that the arsonist was like a ghost.He stated that he "just dissapears".I'm not making that up.Check the CBS interview.

  18. Can anyone confirm that any of this information is true...

  19. Stockton and Girdletree just dispatched to Accomack to help with a structer fire.

  20. 6:22-Whats a structer fire?

  21. LOL-meant structure 7:41. Was typing extra fast in between cooking.

  22. LOL-meant structure 7:41. Was typing extra fast in between cooking.

    March 28, 2013 at 8:17 PM

    Don't burn your house down typing about fires. lol


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