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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Md. House Advances Transportation Funding Bill; Critics Argue It Will Be Felt For Long Time

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The Maryland House of Delegates advanced a transportation funding measure on Wednesday night that supporters say is badly needed, but opponents contend will be a terrible burden on Maryland drivers.

A final vote to send the bill to the Senate is expected Friday.

The legislation, which will gradually apply a new sales tax to gasoline, would raise hundreds of millions of dollars a year in new revenue. It also includes a provision that would enable the tax to keep up with inflation with automatic increases. A change approved Wednesday night on the House floor would cap an increase from inflation to 8 percent of the motor fuel tax rate effective the previous year. Eight percent of the current 23.5-cents a gallon tax would be about 1.8 cents.



  1. Scary thing is that Democrats on the lower shore are so dumb they will continue electing Conway, Cane and Mathias. I'm very lucky. I live in Delmar Md. The State Line is 1/2 mile to the north. Because of so many tax increases under O'Malley (25 so far), I spend my money on the other side. Having a pick-up and trailer Is nice as well. Seaford is 12 miles north and for bigger ticket items, they have the same stores as Salisbury. Whomever owns the WaWa on Rt. 13 at the light is doing very well for himself. You almost need to make an appointment to get gas there.

  2. The price of gas already goes up with inflation. Estimates of current inflation are 5%+ per year (the CPI is a sham since it ignores all the things that most reflect inflation!).

    If the tax rate also goes up with inflation, you're basically getting screwed twice with this legislation.

    And I bet that they will still raid the transportation trust fund. ;)

  3. 2:09 pm you are so right...that's exactly what legislators will do, just as soon as a fund gets established with monies coming in, they will raid it for some stupid thing they want to do or some study that needs funding. Then raise taxes again to cover what they stole. I also agree that these good ole boys need to go. They have gotten too fat and have forgotten about the little person. At one time, they were the little guy...how soon they sold their souls.

  4. Look around...the price of everything is going up. A lot of people were unsettled by the thought of citizens of Cyprus having their bank accounts taxed...and said it won't happen here because we can print money. Well, guess what...every month when they print more money it is in effect taking a little bit from you, me, and anyone who has a dollar. They have been taking your money by printing more money ever since we went off the gold standard. And oil is traded in dollars so as our currency slowly de-values the price goes up. And when oil goes up, so does everything else. Thats why no matter how much we drill, you'll never see gas back to $1.87 a gallon. Our whole currency structure is designed this way to keep the rich richer, and the poor man in his place of dependency. Read up about Jekyll Island if you don't believe it. And its not Bush's fault or Obama's fault...the system is working just like its supposed to.

  5. I comute south to virgina ... as always MD shoots themselves in the foot...I already by my gasoline cigarettes and alcohol in Virginia in fact I'm looking for property there because I'm fed up with this state trying to squeeze every damn nickel they can to waste the taxes. living here I feel it's like taxation without representation.....plastic bag taxes.. high gas prices.. cigarette tax.. alcohol tax ... looming restrictions on our second Amendment rights and the current restrictions on a right to carry.. goodbye Maryland

  6. It's a shame but I buy hardly anything in my home state. I'm tired of shoveling money to an administration that will spend it foolishly.


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