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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Burglary Suspect Arrested On Boardwalk

On March 16, 2013, at approximately 11:15 p.m. Ocean City Police responded to the
Jeffery Lynn King
Jeffery Lynn King
Comfort Inn hotel located at 507 Atlantic Avenue, in reference to a burglary and theft of an off duty police officers handgun.
Officer arrived at the scene and met with the victim who was identified as an off-duty federal law enforcement officer who was staying in the hotel over the weekend.  The victim related that he had left the hotel room and returned to discover his off-duty .40 caliber handgun and several items of personal property were missing and believed stolen.
During the on-scene investigation, police were able to view the hotel video surveillance system which further helped identified a suspect.  The description of the suspect was broadcast to other police officers in the area. 
Within 30 minutes of the initial report of the theft, officers located a suspect at 8th Street and the boardwalk.  Officers detained the suspect who was identified as Jeffery Lynn King, 19, of Bridgeville Delaware.  Police recovered a loaded .40 caliber handgun from King’s waist band, which they subsequently confirmed was the stolen handgun. 
Additionally officers recovered several items of property belonging to the victim, which were stolen during the burglary of the hotel room. It was determined that King fired the handgun in the hotel room during the burglary.
King was arrested and charged as follows:
  • 1st Degree Burglary
  • 3rd Degree Burglary
  • 4th Degree Burglary
  • Possession of a Handgun
  • Reckless Endangerment $1000.00
  • Discharging a Firearm within Ocean City
King, who also had an outstanding juvenile warrant from Wicomico County, was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was held on $100,000.00 bond.  King was transferred to the Worcester County Jail.


  1. What kind of dumbass leaves a gun in a hotel room. I wouldn't even leave a penny on the floor unless I was trying to bait a thief. And to think this person is a federal officer. Probably got a master's degree but no street smarts.

  2. Wow I went to school with this kid what the heck is wrong with you!?

  3. How did he gain entry to the room? Did he target this guy?

  4. To bad the thief didn't accidently shoot himself in the head and save the taxpayers a few dollars.

  5. Wow. Seems like a pretty lucky thief to pick a room with handgun left unattended. Me thinks there might be more to this story....

  6. Could that kid have bigger ears?

    1. So he can hear you all the better!

  7. Anonymous said...
    Wow. Seems like a pretty lucky thief to pick a room with handgun left unattended. Me thinks there might be more to this story....

    March 21, 2013 at 5:34 PM

    Yep, my guess is it was a Craig's List Male meets Male rendezvous at an Ocean City hotel and someone got spanked.

  8. I think 10:48 may have nailed this one.

    Maybe kid went to rob the guy, guy pulled gun and stuggle occured which resulted in--

    "It was determined that King fired the handgun in the hotel room during the burglary."


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