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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Today Marks 11 Months Of Living In Downtown Salisbury

This has been an incredible experience so far. 

My opponent came out of the gate calling me a Delaware Blogger and stating I am not a resident of Maryland, he lied. The personal attacks and lies about me have proven to the NAACP and other community leaders and organizations that Jim Ireton will say and do just about anything to discredit me because Jim Ireton has no record to run on.

I have been so honored going door to door introducing myself, even in the rain and snow, people know I'm taking this far more serious than my opponent. One former candidate asked, how many doors have been slammed in your face. The answer, NONE. While I have been told by four city voters that are satisfied with Jim Ireton and they will vote for him again, thousands of other people have taken the time to listen to my vision and leadership and I have earned their vote. 

The one thing you'll learn about Joe Albero is, when I say I'm going to do something, I DO IT. I will NOT tell you I'm heading in one direction and once elected, disappoint you. I will do what I say and together we will build a much better Salisbury. 

My Wife and Grandson have been the champions of this election race. They have sacrificed my daily living with them because they know and support my passion towards a better Salisbury. 

The KEY to this election, (and I cannot express this enough) we need you to get out and VOTE. We need to set a record in this upcoming election with a turn out like Salisbury has never seen before. I have stated this so many times, "This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose".

There are thousand and thousands of daily viewers that live in Salisbury coming to this Site. We have sent out FOUR Press Releases to the local Media and guess what, not one of them have been published. Everything the Daily Times promised with changes in their journalistic protocol has proven to be a complete lie. The television news only shows small pieces of what I say, allowing my opponent to pick it apart and YOU the viewer never get to see the TRUTH behind my entire statements. 

With your help I can win this election. Yesterday I knocked on a citizens door and I could see that look on her face. I knew something was wrong. I introduced myself and she said, I know who you are. Let me put it to you this way. When all was said and done, not only will she be voting for me, she now has a yard sign in her front yard.

Love me or hate me, I have come to learn throughout this election that 99% of the citizens are sick and tired of the City's Mayor ramming unnecessary things through with mainly special interests in mind. Not one person supports the 500 Downtown affordable housing units and ALL of  our parking lots being sold off. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, I personally relocated my manufacturing company and myself from the Annapolis area here to the Eastern Shore. It's not easy relocating yourself to any new community, let alone your company. I personally know all of the advantages of why others should do exactly what I chose to do so many years ago and I can personally go to other communities and companies and convince them that IF they should ever consider relocating, they should relocate right here to Salisbury, Maryland. 

My opponent not only doesn't have the time to do anything of the sort, he has no clue how to understand what it takes to make such a move. He has been a government employee his entire adult life. He has been the recipient of only having to work 9 months out of the year and involved in a union catered by the state. This is a man who wants pay raises for only his staff in the Mayors Office and NOTHING for the rest of the City Employees, I will change all that.

The entitlements are over! We need new businesses, manufacturing jobs and great paying jobs for skilled workers. We need to bring in those businesses that will support a tax base this City hasn't seen in some 16 years, so as local residents don't have to experience any more tax increases. 

These businesses will bring in new tax revenue in which we can actually get ahead of our failing infrastructure. We can start paving desperately needed roads that have been ignored for more than a decade. Once we rebuild, then we can look at Skate Parks and other luxuries a strong community deserves. Until then, it's time to take care of business first and that means truly protecting the residents and taxpayers of this City. 

That being said, IF you support me and our mission, YOU need to get out there and VOTE. 

In closing I want to thank ALL of you for being so kind when I came to your doors unannounced. I want to thank ALL of you for taking the time to listen and hear me out. I want to also thank ALL of you for sharing your thoughts and vision as well. Don't think for a second I'm done. There are thousands more doors I need to knock on but I will say this, when looking back at the numbers and only FOUR people telling me they are voting for Jim Ireton, I think the Citizens of Salisbury have had enough. 

I will NOT let you down. 


  1. Hey Joe, we at Public Works have NOT had a raise in 6 YRS I wish the mayor would treat us with a raise like he did for himself and "Others" We are FED UP with him, but we are ALL supposed to stay quite ,well i and others have had Enough.

  2. Will you have times for volunteers to come help your campaign Joe? I knocked on doors and made phone calls for Romney and Ehrlich the last couple of elections and would love to help you!

  3. Will tax payers be footing the bill for phone calls and trips visiting all these prospective businesses? I realize you often need to spend money to make money - but Obama has the economy in dismal disarray leaving little chance of a business to expand or move or to hire new employees.

    This problem is most of the USA, not just Salisbury. If I decided to move or start a business I might consider Wicomico County but why would I consider Salisbury. A property owner or business owner in Salisbury pays city tax and county tax. What could you do for me to change my mind. What incentives could you offer without costing taxpayers?

  4. The mayor loves homeless/thugs downtown, why, because he wants people get use to seeing more of it when the "Projects" go up.

  5. As one of the many former city public works employees, I can't wait until you are elected. The queen of the second floor will be putting on quite a show in order to keep her job. It should be very entertaining.

  6. We city employees may have to keep our mouths shut no matter where we are, one thing is for sure, Ireton can't see who we vote for, only his lap dogs will be voting for him because they are afraid of you Joe. Need to do what Ireton promised 4 years ago, out with Chambers and her lap dog John Pick. Pick has always been afraid of his own shadow, I guess after working for Tighlman he had no choice.

  7. Salisbury CAN be a dynamic and growing city, but it needs a dynamic leader. I certainly don't see that in Ireton. Its a matter of not fufilling promises and failing the citizens by being unable to do the job, by any definition of the word "dynamic".

  8. for the person who asked, the "queen" is Teresa Gardner, director of public works

    city employees should blame Ireton ( not the council ) because he proposes the budget and the council makes its decisions based on the lies he tells. they do their best to figure out what's really going on, but Ireton doesn't let employees tell them much.

  9. I want to say that i believe Mr. Albero would make a great mayor forf salisbury. I have talked to him a few times and he seems to have his ducks in a row. I would vote for him if i could but don't live in Salisbury

    I do hav a funny story to tell. A couple of days ago I ran into big boy who runs anouther blog. I said hello and had a question for him. The question was, as it seems you don't like Mayor Iraton, nor Joe Albero nor most of salisburys city councle, why didn't you run for mayor or anouther office? His answer,(most i can't put on here because of the language) was i didn't think of it and by the time i did, it was to late to sign up. I could do a better job than any of them out there. Then he acuses me (foul language) that i would be one of the (foul language) that would vote for Joe Albero. I told him, I sure would but can't because i don't and have never lived in salisbury. He did say that (foul language) that Salisbury dosn't need (foul language) people like you living here. With that i left.

    Good luck in the race Mr. Albero.

  10. Joe, when you become Mayor, I want to become your FIRE CHIEF. I promise you and the good citizens of Salisbury that I will develop our fire department into a first class operation, including the volunteers. You have my word on this.


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