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Sunday, February 24, 2013


Recent posts misstated the amount as 19 million dollars. The statement issued by his executive assistant, John Pick (available here: http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2013/02/iretons-new-19-million-tax-part-2.html), indicates that the “Storm Water Utility” would extract a total of $76.6 Million from Salisbury property owners during a 4 year period – you do the math. Even that slightly lower amount is about equal to the sum that the City has extracted in recent years with its general tax on real estate. So, the new tax is similar in amount extracted to doubling the general tax rate, which itself may have to be increased due to the shrinking value of the “tax base”. By the way, did Ireton mention any of that during his recent dog and pony show at Holloway Hall?

Now, property owners may wonder whether the new “stormwater utility” tax can be imposed unless the City’s tax rate cap, which is stated in the City Charter, is raised. Apparently, it can be because it is designed as a “fee” for a new “enterprise fund” for stormwater management. It’s like a pay to play charge to have stormwater handled by the City’s storm drain system, similar to water and sewer charges. And some homeowners seem to think that they will be exempt because of the homeowner provisions of the tax code – but that’s not so.

Speaking of sewer and water charges, they will soon go up hugely in order to fund the repair of the wastewater treatment plant and other infrastructure of those systems. His proposed capital improvement plan calls for $21 Million funded by sewer and water charges (much more than the so-called surplus that he crows about). Property owners may soon find that the actual cost of ownership of city property (taxes plus “fees”) has doubled or tripled since Ireton was elected 4 years ago.

Are your surprised that he didn’t level with the voters about these matters in his recent “state of the city” speech, in which he proclaimed that the City is in good shape because of his “accomplishments? Do you want more of this duplicity. 


  1. NO new taxes!

  2. Ireton's proposals are really good for keeping business away from Salisbury, while driving even more jobs out of Salisbury.

  3. On Tuesday, remember that Day is joined at the hip with Ireton!

  4. I am fixing my house up to sell so I can move out of the city. If I can't sell it I will join the ranks of good property owner who rent their properties out. I will never stoop so low as to be a slum lord like GNI properties, Michael Wisener and Stu Leer.

  5. It's also about things like wanting to spend money the city shouldn't be spending right now on things like bike paths and skateboard parks.

  6. Joe - beside getting the info out to the public - what would be your plan to stop this marlarky? Is it a done deal or a proposal the Council can control?

  7. anonymous 9:23, There are many things I will STOP dead in its tracks if elected.I am firmly against this tax/fee. I am firmly against selling off the parking lots to build 500 affordable housing units.

  8. Anonymous said...
    It's also about things like wanting to spend money the city shouldn't be spending right now on things like bike paths and skateboard parks.

    February 24, 2013 at 9:21 AM

    That so called bike path on Rt. 13 North and South bounds is a joke and very dangerous. When the first bicyclist gets killed on it Jim Ireton will have blood all over his hands and I hope the family sues the hell out of Jim Ireton and the City of Salisbury. Instead of those stupid looking arrows they should have clearly marked the bike lane with a solid line and reflective markers. I could care less if it was free money Jim Ireton the blood will still be on hour hands.

  9. Are these taxes mandated by the State and can they be stopped at all or are they mandatory? Nevertheless I hate everyone of these

  10. I think we need to stop calling them affordable housing unit and call them what they really are-tax payer subsidized housing. Not only are tax payers paying a portion of the rents but tax payer money is used to develop and build them though state and federal grants and we all know where the grant money originates from-again the tax payers.

  11. So again exactly what would be your plan to make up for this tax/fee ?

    Do you even know who the major players are in this town?

  12. anonymous 9:34, Let me tell you how I'd do so. First of all, I'd go to work every day, FULL TIME. The ONLY reason Ireton wants this tax/fee is because HE wants YOU to swim in the river in 10 years, in reality he only has 6 years left on his promise. It's a scam on the taxpayers, just like O'Malley's Save the Bay funding.

    I would work extremely hard to bring new businesses to Salisbury. The taxes we collect from those businesses moving here would offset ANY tax increase.

    The difference between Jim Ireton and Joe Albero is the FACT that I can and will work FULL TIME and Jim cannot.

    Jim Ireton has no clue how to walk into someone's business and address them about relocating here. I DID IT personally and I know the advantages of being here.

    As far as your asking if I have any clue who the major players are here in this town, YOU, nor THEY scare me. I will do what is RIGHT for the TAXPAYERS and NOT special interests. IF YOU don't like that, vote for Jim Ireton.

  13. Salisbury: You have been warned!

    If Day or Ireton is elected, it's your fault and "game over."

  14. If in fact there is a true need for 500 affordable housing units in Sby then that speaks volumns to not only Ireton but Tilghman's legacay. Why anyone would even consider taking an endorsement by that woman is mind boggling. Her legacy and continued on by this Mayor has been to let Sby go to such hell that 500 affordable housing units are needed.

  15. My water/sewer bill is already $300 a quarter which is outrageous in my opinion. Add to that a $1,200 property tax bill for a small lot and 900 sq ft home. It isn't worth it to live in this city anymore. Not to mention the rentals all around that have God only knows who living in them. I'm constantly looking all around every time I go out of my house. All American city, my backside.

  16. Right now the most important thing for this City is to get Debbie Campbell re-elected on Tuesday. Spread the word, pick up your friends and neighbors and encourage them to vote for Debbie Campbell.

    Even if Joe wins the Mayor's seat it will do him no good to be the Mayor and have to put up with a bitter fight between Shanie Shields, Laura Mitchell and Jake Day. It is a lost battle.

    VOTE DEBBIE CAMPBELL on Tuesday February 26, 2013!!

  17. Anonymous said...
    I think we need to stop calling them affordable housing unit and call them what they really are-tax payer subsidized housing. Not only are tax payers paying a portion of the rents but tax payer money is used to develop and build them though state and federal grants and we all know where the grant money originates from-again the tax payers.

    February 24, 2013 at 9:32 AM

    And don't forget the slum lord/developers are the ones that will profit from your tax dollars and become millionaires. ie. Mike Dunn, Palmer Gillis, Barrie and Matt Tilghman, Tom Becker and now Jim Ireton. You can bet he has his hand in this. Democrats don't do anything for free.

  18. I have worked for a Salisbury business, which has been a part of the Salisbury community for more than years.

    Salisbury, like many communities, needs to attract new businesses that will bring valuable jobs. New businesses are drawn to areas by the quality of life, skilled workforce, education systems and strong city leadership that works to attract them.

    Many manufacturing companies have left this city, It is time for that to change.
    Joe this was sent to the Daily Times last week and I thought they would print today. They did not!

    Joe Albero has the vision, desire and qualifications to tackle important issues and move Salisbury in a positive direction. It’s time to elect him and give the next generation a chance to succeed.

    Carol F. Jones

    Salisbury, Maryland

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury: You have been warned!

    If Day or Ireton is elected, it's your fault and "game over."

    February 24, 2013 at 9:44 AM

    That is exactly right. Vote DEBBIE CAMPBELL on Tuesday and Debbie Campbell only. You do not have to vote for 2 candidates.

    During the General Election vote Joe Albero for Mayor. Like him or not he is the best choice.

  20. Special interests have always had their hands in the pockets of the Daily Times. Nothing has changed, the face has changed, but not the motives for their bias reporting. It is time to cut the head off the snake, starting with Ireton and Shanie.

  21. Debbie Campbell will get more votes on Tuesday than Day and Heath combined.

  22. This entire city is run down with crumbling curbing and sidewalks along with blight. The houses are run down with overgrown vegetation and just looks old and unappealing. There is no curb appeal or anything that would attract decent people to really want to purchase a home in the city limits.

    That river is polluted because of factories and a failed septic system due to greedy and ignorant politicians. Run off from garbage is due to the over abundance of rental properties with trashy people and criminals who don't take pride in their homes or city. I didn't create the polluted river so I shouldn't have to pay higher taxes to clean it up.

    If the city wants to raise fees or taxes then raise them on the rental properties of the slum lords who have more than one rental property in the city. They are the ones that are costing the tax payers with all city services. If a landlord has more than one rental property then he is in business for the profit and not because he couldn't sell his home.

    No Bubba Comagees Groaf does not pay for Groaf!

    Vote Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero.

  23. 10:21 - want to put some money on that?

  24. Anonymous said...
    Debbie Campbell will get more votes on Tuesday than Day and Heath combined.

    February 24, 2013 at 10:21 AM

    She should but if people don't get out and vote she won't.

  25. Anonymous said...
    10:21 - want to put some money on that?

    February 24, 2013 at 11:13 AM

    Don't be so cocky Cookie!!

  26. According to the disclosure statements at the city website, Ireton's large source of donations (just under $4000) comes from out-of-state/out-of-city.

    Another nice chunk of Ireton's contributions come from those with a Salisbury address, however don't actually live in the city.

    Day's out-of-state/out-of-city donations amount to just under $2000.

    Day has contibutions amounting to $1750 from Cathcart, Dunn, the Tighlmans, the Perdues and Gillis-Gilkerson and company.

    Again, same as Ireton many of Day's contibutions are listed as living in Salisbury, however they don't live in the city limits. So they can't vote here, same as the Ireton Contributors listed with Salisbury address' that do not live here in the city.

    One has to wonder what is in it for those folks? Things that make you go hmmmm.

    Louise Smith was so generous to donate a whopping $10 to Shanie, Jimbo $20 and $250 from Barrie.

    Judge for yourself, the numbers and names are at the city website. Do you voters really want more of the same, or are you really ready for a change?

  27. J. Day would increase taxes big time for 30 more police(several million) and an "economic development" person, which we already have at "SWED".

    Day is dangerous.

  28. Jake Day = Louise Smith. Don't be fooled, again!

  29. I have to say I am so tired of the rants on "trashy" rental people. My neighbor who OWNS his home, has nothing but a run down trash ridden piece of crap. I who rent, maintain my property. Enough with the stereotyping. As far as I am concerned most of the people born here are nothing but shorebilly trash and you wear your stripes proudly and you have no one to blame but yourselves for the blight of your community. Until you change YOUR ways nothing will change.

  30. Want to put some money on that, you say, 10:21?

    It seems to me you and your kind (as in BIG MONEY POWER BROKERS, many from outside the city, some inside, who already made their $$$ off Salisbury like it's a cheap whore they pimped out) have already bet YOUR money.

    Barrie Tilghman's endorsement of Jake Day was plenty for a lot of people who still kept an open mind.

    I don't know that Campbell will get more than Day and Heath combined. She's been victimized by a lot of Ireton lies. The man is so scummy, he abused his friends at all costs.

    But she has something you and your cronies don't have - honesty and integrity. If she loses the election, it will be Salisbury's loss, not hers. I know people already planning to move because of Ireton. He's probably laughing and saying "good riddance," even though these are people who have contributed a lot to the community.

  31. 1:55
    Irony at it's best. You tell people not to stereotype then you do it yourself. If you don't like this area MOVE. It's not even like you are kept here because you can't sell your home. You have admitted you are only a renter. I moved here to get away from people like you!

  32. Enough is enough. Liarton has got to go. Where do I sign up to volunteer Joe?

  33. 1:55 you moved here to get away from renters (people like me). how's that working out for ya? moron

  34. 2:29
    Your comment is confusing. Are you talking to 1:55 or 2:12?

  35. I will be out bright and early with bells on my toes to vote for Debbie Campbell. The other two cannot fool me!

  36. 1:55, glad you rent and life is great. For many who own a home and don't have a RENTAL INCOME to pay for the repairs, the recession has been extra brutal.

    Gee, do I fix that up or feed the kids? Hmmmm, let me think! There are more people in that boat than you know.

  37. No wonder Ireton is in bed with all those crooks, go Maryland Department of Property Tax Assessment, click on assessment base, (enter 203 Philadelphia, don't enter west or avenue) boy did he take a spanking! You can get a lot of info from the city election disclosure site, all those crooks have their addresses listed. There is a lot that can be found from that disclosure info.

  38. Andy Berges says...

    Kevin @ 2:27 & many others are willing to volunteer to help you with your campaign Joe so with a little over a month 'til the election it may be a good idea to take them up on their offers to help you win.

  39. 5:48, a ton of people saw a big drop in their assessments, aka, property value due to the recession and its depressed market. I'm just glad I've been in mine long enough to have substantial equity in it and it hasn't dropped below what I bought it at.

  40. Ireton and Day - backed by the big money and the big political machine.

    A sad time for Salisbury unless the little people get out and vote.

  41. Voters need to fact check everything that comes out of Ireton or Day's mouth (they use the same one).

    In just the last two days, four people have told me things that were said to them that are not true. Thank goodness I knew enough to set them straight.

    This election is getting filthy dirty in the mud.

  42. I divide 76.6 million by 4 and get 19.15, not 18.9. maybe Ireton needs to go back to scho... oops! He works at one! Gosh, I... did the calculation twice, and it comes up the same! Hey, Jim, I want to pull my kid out of your school because the teachers there can't do math problems.

    And my family out of Salisbury because of people like you and Jake Day. See ya.

  43. Anonymous said...
    I will be out bright and early with bells on my toes to vote for Debbie Campbell. The other two cannot fool me!

    February 24, 2013 at 3:51 PM

    Maybe you and your friends should get out bright and early to do some sign waving for her. Please do.

  44. Can someone please enlighten us on the status of the acting fire chief and has Ireton submitted another name yet? What happens after the extension ends on Feb. 28? Who with then be the acting fire chief?

  45. I was talking to a work acquaintance that is a council member of a small neighboring town about our mayorial election coming up and who he thought would win. He said from what he is hearing he thinks Albero will win by a landslide.

  46. A vote for DAY is a vote for IRETON.


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