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Thursday, February 28, 2013


Corruption, facilitated by the credibility trap, is the biggest problem facing us today. That is the real entitlement. It is the belief of the elite that the power of their office is an achievement that gives them the right to lie, cheat and steal both for themselves and their friends.
Although it is important to understand that they would be shocked and insulted if you used those words to describe what they are doing.

Through a long indoctrination that starts sometimes in their families, but is most often affirmed in their schools and with their circle of friends, they learn to rationalize this sort of selective moral behaviour not as immoral but as ‘the entitlement of success.’ There are one set of rules for themselves and their friends, and another set of rules for the rest.

This is what Glenn Greenwald calls ‘justice for some.’ Or even earlier what George Orwell captured in the slogan, ‘Some animals are more equal than others.


1 comment:

  1. It starts at the city, county, state, and federal levels each and every day.


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