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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Accused School Trespasser Released On House Arrest

Authorities say a former National Guardsman who was charged with trespassing inside an Anne Arundel County high school has been released on house arrest.

According to officials, Justin Matthew Beaumont, who raised police concerns after a large stash of weapons was found inside his home, was released from custody Wednesday.

However, officials say Beaumont will have to surrender all firearms not already seized by the police and must not go on or near any school property. 



  1. And just how are they going to enforce this... with a court order? Joke.

  2. Ahhhh....the old "confiscate their property" and make them fight to get it back. For "trespssing" he has to surrender his guns? No gun charges, no violence charges, nothing. Just take the guns. They released him, but think he might be a danger? Sounds like "due process" according to Stalin. And the basis of the search warrant? Was there even a search warrant issued (because the police don't really need one of those anymore)? And the taking of his property without trial or conviction (they ain't planning on giving it back either)? The Constitution has been shredded so badly in the last 20 years that most people think these things are NORMAL. And perfectly legitimate. Same things the Germans thought while Hitler was rising....


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