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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Shields Apologizes To Albero

It's been an interesting morning already. I've been to all three polling places by 7:30 AM. Shanie Shields was across the street from the Fire Station 16 putting signs in the ground and then she was off to her campaign office, (McDonald's) for her daily cup of coffee.

Debbie Campbell was the only candidate out and about waving to the public. 

While Shanie was out putting up signs I finally had the opportunity to confront her about her statement in the Daily Times a couple weeks ago calling me a racist. 

I explained to her how Mayor Ireton was stupid enough to try to get the NAACP to go against me for two articles I had put up in which the titles were somewhat racy, yet the Mayor didn't click on MORE to see who wrote each articles. I explained to Shanie how BOTH authors of the articles Ireton challenged me on are African American.

Shanie responded by saying her friends had called her and told her Joe Albero was attacking her on Salisbury News. I said, Shanie, Joe Albero may disagree with you at times but your never going to tell me that Joe Albero has EVER written anything racist about you. 

Shanie immediately agreed and offered me an apology for what she said in the Daily Times. I accepted her apology but went on to say I didn't like it and just because I disagree with you at times DOESN'T make me a racist. 

Shanie then changed the subject to Ms Gibson last night, stating she was wrong. I looked at her and said, you mean to tell me after all you said in the past about relocating the Downtown Station 16 to the west side of town so the African American citizens would be encouraged to join the Fire Department. She replied, "my people don't want to be Firefighters". I said, what about Lorenzo Cropper and what he was put through. Shanie replied, "who told you Lorenzo has a lawsuit against the City". Completely shocked I said, I never said anything about Mr. Cropper and any lawsuit. Seems to me Shanie just let the cat out of the bag.

Last nights dog and pony show with the Firefighters once again proves that even though they know one of their own who allegedly got pushed out of the Fire Department and has now filed suit against the City and perhaps even Mr. Hoppes, (I don't know this to be a fact) shows Ms Gibson may have been right on track. The fact is, out of that entire room full of Firefighters in City Uniform, there was not a single black, brown or female face. NOT ONE. 

IF there is a discrimination lawsuit against the City and it is proven that Mr. Hoppes had anything to do with this discrimination, Hoppes, (IMHO) is not the man for the job.

Shanie Shields immediately showed her support towards the City and no support to Lorenzo, who is a cousin of her first husband. 

I am glad Shanie apologized for her statement to the Daily Times about me. 


  1. I knew there was a good reason why the council didn't accept Hoppes.

  2. One question...has anyone who ever talked to this woman found that she can put more than two words together to make a sentence? Other than one that has 'sammich' in it.

  3. I'm glad Shanie cleared the air and apologized. What Ireton tried to do was wrong.

  4. That's journalism, my friends. The Daily Times could learn a lot from you. It's called following up on the story. Of course, if they're only going to pay a writer $10/hour and force them to work with the spectre of being laid off, then maybe they're not going to attract or keep good help.

  5. Shanie was elected to support the black community and she has failed them. Lorenzo Cropper is a good man.

  6. 10:19 AM, you said it all - hope those of you in District 1 read this and vote intelligently this time around.

  7. well although she might be guilty of many things at least we now know nepotism is not one of them! lol!

  8. If there is a lawsuit filed, it should be a matter of public record ...

  9. It would be real interesting if Shanie got bumped out of the election today.

  10. Wait a dang minute now. Just what does she mean by "her people". She should be working for all people not just "her people". She seems like the one that is racist to me with that comment.

  11. There is more than one suit filed against the city.

  12. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cropper got some kind of an award from the fire department a couple of years ago, but they ran him off????????


    Shields, Ireton, Hoppes, the whole lot of them aught to be ashamed of themselves.

    The fire department too, for running this fine man off AND for bashing the city council members.


  13. Joe, I'm glad Shanie apologized to you, but your headline should have read, "Did Shields reveal why Hoppes wasn't made permanent fire chief?"

    Reading this, that's exactly what it sounds like!

  14. Anonymous said...
    There is more than one suit filed against the city.
    February 26, 2013 at 10:43 AM

    how many?

  15. Sign the waiver Mr Hoppes!

  16. That's good to hear Joe. There's always 2 sides to every story and too many people jump to the wrong conclusions based on false rumors instead of truthful facts.
    I'm rooting for you Joe and I'm hoping you that when you are Mayor that you will be civil with everyone on the council and that all of you can work together as a productive team.
    The selfish and bullying manner that Jim has conducted himself as Mayor is not only childish, but also very destructive to our city. We need a leader, not a tyrant, and the honorable thing for Jim to do is seek other opportunities.

  17. Anyone looking into shields and her connection to LLC's.

  18. 10:17, I know for a fact from a friend of mine that used to write for the Daily Times that many of their writers actually write for FREE. This truly displays to me how cheap they are and why many of the articles in their paper are poorly written and of inferior quality.

  19. 10:38... I was thinking the same thing. All people, not "my people" that right there would sway my vote.

  20. Hoppes needs to sign the waiver. All those who came out in support of him last night have peaked interest in this subject for a lot of others. "Quite frankly" we would all like to know now. The ball is in his court and he should sign the waiver if answers are to be forthcoming.

  21. Hoppes has been involved in several EEOC investigations and I understand there may be more litigation. Ireton gave him an inch by using him to put up a fight with his once allies and now he thinks he can take a mile.

    Ireton and Hoppes needs to go.

  22. Joe posted:

    She replied, "my people don't want to be Firefighters". I said, what about Lorenzo Cropper and what he was put through. Shanie replied, "who told you Lorenzo has a lawsuit against the City". Completely shocked I said, I never said anything about Mr. Cropper and any lawsuit. Seems to me Shanie just let the cat out of the bag.

    Wait a minute. Last night she was saying Mrs. Gibson was wrong. Today she is saying "her people" don't want to be firefighters. In other words, Mrs. Gibson was right.

    Sounds like Shanie did let a cat out of the bag, a big one. Maybe "her people" don't want to be firefighters because the department discriminates against them, doh.

    Isn't Shanie supposed to be elected so "her people" will have a voice? Sounds like they elected a big silencer to me!

  23. It was very obvious that this circus was a publicity stunt set up by Richard Hoppes and/or Jim Ireton for Channel 47 to show up to a regular council meeting which they never do.

    I saw this quote from their website and thought WTH!
    "Tad Farlow of the Pittsville Fire Department was also at the meeting, saying "I can tell you that if you go outside this organization, my 30 years, you may find somebody different to fill that spot, but you will find nobody any better.""

    First of all one can not understand what he is trying to say. Second, who cares what anyone from the Pittsville Volunteer Fire Company thinks anyway. What business is it of Tad Farlow or the entire Pittsville Volunteer Fire Company to get involved in Salisbury City Council matters anyway. Salisbury doesn't respond to Pittsville and Pittsville doesn't respond to Salisbury. Third, how does Mr. Farlow know there isn't anyone better for the job then the current acting fire chief. This was nothing more than a staged clown show that wasted important time in the lives of our City Council that they will never get back.

  24. As Paul Harvey used to say, "Now, for the REST of the story."

    I knew there had to be good reason for the council to turn down the appointment, it's about a liability. I think this clears up a lot of things.

    Shanie should be repremanded for talking about city employee personel matters, hope she knows she is now open to a lawsuit herself. Hopefully today will be the end of Shanie and that will be the end of THAT!

  25. You are playing with fire Albero. This will not turn out well for you. Mark the calendar asshat.

  26. 12:42

    Farlow's head is a "Tad" too big!

  27. Shanie, talks out of both sides of the mouth. She agrees with whom ever she is around .

  28. Joe I believe that comment from 1:17pm was a threat and a threat from a fireman.

  29. Was retired fire chief Bill Higgins at the meeting and if so did he speak?

  30. What's your problem with Albero 1:17? Just because the Dog & Pony Show last night backfired it ain't his fault.

  31. Please take this into consideration. Has anyone thought of the idea of the firefighters soming to the council meeting last night was IRETON's idea? Think about it -- Ireton was told by council to have a new candidate by the end of the month. This will not happen. So, instead, Ireton UE+SES the fire department personnel to put up a front. It all makes sense. You have to love poly-tic's. NOT!

  32. 1:17 - mark the calendar "asshat"?

    More FINE representation of what's in the fire department and in the government.

    Did Shanie slip up or is she trying to give her buddy Rick Hoppes a reason to sue the city and go out with a big $$$ bang?

  33. I think the Dog and Pony Show was contrived by both Ireton and Hoppes and Terry Cohen tossed the ball right back in their court by citing the law something that totally slipped both of their minds when planning for the storming of the council meeting.
    The can of worms has been opened so now he should sign the waiver.

  34. The city police did an investigation on Joe for just recieving a spoofed phone call. Are they going to investigate the threat to Joe by 1:17?

    Joe if you are being threatened you can apply for a conceal carry permit. I'd take every opportunity to make that happen.

  35. The Ireton and Hoppes show backfired, now they have opened the can-O-worms where they definately didn't want to go.

    Let's have that transparent government you spew about Jim.

  36. Let me say this. I have a TON of respect for Bryan Records. He has always proven to be the most honorable and trustworthy men at the Salisbury Fire Department.

    I am confident the matter of racial difference at the SFD is clearly recognized by Mr. Records but like some have said, he is not in the position to make that change.

    When you have an African American Council Person who refuses to recognize there's a problem, there's a problem. Shanie proved to me today that she is only interested in representing her district when she can get the kind of attention she wants. It's NOT about helping the people in her district and quite frankly she should be ashamed of herself for making the statement she did today.

    Funny thing is, will you see the rest of the press do or say anything about it?

    I'll end with this. Yesterday we asked ALL of the Firefighters to put the names of ALL of the paid African American Firefighters in comments to PROVE that Debbie, Terry & Tim are WRONG.

    Notice how not one name has been produced.

  37. Shanie will stab you in the back as soon as you turn around , two faced all around .

  38. Shanies the one that should be having chest pains.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Please take this into consideration. Has anyone thought of the idea of the firefighters soming to the council meeting last night was IRETON's idea? Think about it -- Ireton was told by council to have a new candidate by the end of the month. This will not happen. So, instead, Ireton UE+SES the fire department personnel to put up a front. It all makes sense. You have to love poly-tic's. NOT!

    February 26, 2013 at 3:09 PM

    Quit defending Hoppes. I am a volunteer firefighter and I was asked by Hoppes and volunteer Deputy Chief Smith to attend that meeting. Ireton isn't all the blame. Hoppes was at the meeting and left early. Smith was there as well.

  40. Joe the person that you have tons of respect for isn't 100% who you think he is. Be careful what you hear and believe. You can't judge a book by it's cover.

  41. anonymous 4:53, I cannot believe some of you Firefighters, seriously.

    I have known Bryan for a good 7 years. He has never lied to me and he has always treated me with respect. He does NOT hide behind anonymous, LIKE YOU and that in itself proves to me he is a much better man than you'll ever know how to be.

    I can assure you, he has served the Citizens of Salisbury as well as many of his immediate family members for far longer than you so at the risk of becoming your next enemy, you need to grow up.

  42. I grew up with Bryan, I think he's honorable and a straight shooter. I don't agree with his endorsement of Hoppes, however, looks like we've all been dupped by Ireton's non-transparency.

    Just because I don't agree with his position on the chief, doesn't make him as crooked as a dog's hind leg, I can't say the same for many others.

  43. I want to make this LOUD AND CLEAR to the Salisbury Fire Department:

    Your actions Monday night against the City Council has FOREVER removed my respect for you! You abused your positions by wearing your TAXPAYER PURCHASED uniforms, driving your TAXPAYER PURCHASED vehicles there for a show.

    Your comments were a DISGRACE to your uniform and your department!

    You responded to a call all right - a call to politics! No one in their right mind thinks your fearless leader was not part of this set up. The council was dead right to not make him permanent. If your leader WAS a leader, he would have been confirmed. The politics you spoke of are his and that INCOMPETENT of a MAYOR!

    My dear departed uncle was a firefighter and he has to be rolling in his grave at your DISGRACEFUL BEHAVIOR!


  44. I bet Ireton is about half Sh** faced about now!

  45. The Salisbury Fire Department isn't all that bad. There are a lot of young and gullible volunteers that will fall on the sword because they don't know any better. Bryan is a good guy, but I don't agree with everything he says and does. He does love the fire service.

    If Bryan did in fact endorse Hoppes it is because he doesn't want another loser like Jeff Simpson to come in and turn the department upside down again. Many of the older members feel the same way.

    The problem is Hoppes and some of the officers under him. Get rid of those problems and make the fire department a brotherhood again.

  46. Shanie works harder today than she does the whole four years, she has to shuttle her supporters to the polls to make sure they vote. Most are older people and I'm sure they thinks she's just being nice, if they only knew!

  47. The fire departments around here are a joke. You have a select few that run them and the rest have to jump through hoops to try to satisfy them. You have people in charge that have no business being in charge or anything. They can't keep their own life in check let alone things at the department. They all want to wear what ever title they are given but don't want all the responsibilities that come with it. It's all in who you know and who you rub elbows with.

  48. Would Brian endorse Dobb?

  49. 5:48 Bryan did endorse Hoppes on a thread here, late last night or this morning, but like Joe said, at least he used his name. After what has come to light today, he may be thinking differently, he is a genuine good person. Like I said, I don't think any less of him for that, it's not like we all haven't been wrong before.

    I was trying to get a friend of mine to the polls, but he said he just wasn't into it. I did ask him to vote for Louise Smith 6 years ago, he threw that in my face for not wanting to vote today. Of course I was way off wrong on that call.

    The only thing worse than being wrong, is not trying at all.

  50. 5:35 PM I do not agree - the firemen are asking for a permanent chief. I felt they were begging the Council to stop leaving them in limbo. If Hoppes was qualified to be acting chief, twice and this last term for over a year, it appears he is qualified to be permanent chief. The Council will not appointment him for what ever reason. I guess if they can hold out until Albero and Debbie win, than Albero can put Dobb as chief and the Council will approve, Bet the firemen would not.

    1. Hey 6:12pm since whem do the firemen get to pick their own boss. I don't remember seeing that in the charter. You haven't been paying attention. Not only is the acting chief not qualified he has some serious allegations against him that make him a liability for the city.

  51. So it is my understanding from reading previous blog articles over the las two or three years is that Hoppes has not accomplished nor been able to accomplish the educational goals and certifications required by the City Charter to become a chief. Even after 3 years. Of not trying, or taking the course and failing?

    He would be required, as chief, to oversee and keep track of the firefighting and EMT credentials of his entire staff, and hire them and fire them and holding them accountable for keeping up with their credentials and updates, yet he holds.....wait for it.... a...lack...of ...credentials...to ...hold ...his...present...and ...sought after... job.
    I get it now.

    Am I correct on this?


  53. Sick of hearing "if he was good enough to be temporary all this time."

    Temporary. Temporary means hold things together until the right person comes along.

    Since when do these guys get the special privilege of choosing their own boss?

    How many are doing it so they can get a promotion, hmmmm?

    It's completely out of line for these guys to put up the "he's such a leader and we're behind him" charade. By doing it, they set themselves up for advancement. Conflict of interest? Brown nosing? Call it what you like.

    1. If they were so much behind him then why did the same ones vote against him 2 years ago. What's in it for them now????

  54. Of course they want Hoppes. That way they can continue to do as they please and follow no rules. That is why they had issue with the last Chief. He saw through their games and held them accountable including retired in place Records. But then Dopey Ireton betrayed him for his worthless drinking buddy. Small ideas for a small town is what they want.

  55. If Ireton won't propose another for that position, that is all the council has to work with, a temp. End of story. The ball is in Ireton't court, but after last night he looks like he was aced! Of course Ireton will cry it was a foul and have a tantrum like John McEnroe. You were aced Jimmy, sit down and shut up!

  56. The Fire Chief position cannot just be rubber stamped by Ireton.
    There still needs to be the process followed that has been followed by every other fire, police, public works director, etc. The position has to be advertised and the applicants for the position interviewed and then narrowed down to 3 final candidates. The the fire chief is selected from those 3 persons. If Hoppes truly wants to be the Chief I would believe that he would welcome that process to take place to prove that he is the man for the job.
    But as usual, the volunteers want Hoppes because if they endorse him, they will continue to get their way because they will remind Hoppes of who put him in that position. Seen it before and it ain't pretty.

  57. What does Shanie mean by "her people?" That does sound racist, there are people of all ethnic backgrounds in District 1, black, white, hispanic, asian, she is such a poor excuse for a representative.

  58. Anonymous said...
    Sick of hearing "if he was good enough to be temporary all this time."

    Temporary. Temporary means hold things together until the right person comes along.

    Since when do these guys get the special privilege of choosing their own boss?

    How many are doing it so they can get a promotion, hmmmm?

    It's completely out of line for these guys to put up the "he's such a leader and we're behind him" charade. By doing it, they set themselves up for advancement. Conflict of interest? Brown nosing? Call it what you like.

    February 26, 2013 at 7:25 PM

    Your statements are 100% accurate which means it is the good ole boy system.

  59. I don't know why anyone would want to be a member of this romper room some call SFD.

    Not only do you make yourselves look bad, you also make the city look bad.

    Whoever appoints a fire chief, do it!

    Then the rest of you, work with the new boss or resign.

    This soap opera has gone on long enough.

  60. The fat blogger is attacking a good man who has suffered a serious injury and going through some difficult times. He is blaming a good man who in not involved and never have been. How low can a low life get kicking a good man while he is down. Shame on that entitlement thief who is constantly attacking innocent people with his "opinion." Thank God not many people waste their valuable time on him. Shame on you!!

  61. I saw Debbie putting up signs yesterday , she is a very good looking lady.
    I think I know why the other ladies on the council always vote against her wishes , they are jealous , and they should be.
    Those two ladies are ugly inside which makes them not pleasant to look at.
    Debbie is HOT!!(and smart)

  62. Anonymous said...
    I saw Debbie putting up signs yesterday , she is a very good looking lady.
    I think I know why the other ladies on the council always vote against her wishes , they are jealous , and they should be.
    Those two ladies are ugly inside which makes them not pleasant to look at.
    Debbie is HOT!!(and smart)

    February 27, 2013 at 6:19 AM

    Debbie may be hot, but that doesn't get her votes. People that like her whether they live in the city or not should consider helping her election. Please contact her and recruit people to join the cause. It will work. Time is now not the night before the election. If Jerk Day can clean up with the votes during the primary that just means we need to work harder and reach out to more people. Jerk Day's funding came from special interest groups and Debbies campaign needs funding.

  63. Anonymous said...
    The fat blogger is attacking a good man who has suffered a serious injury and going through some difficult times. He is blaming a good man who in not involved and never have been. How low can a low life get kicking a good man while he is down. Shame on that entitlement thief who is constantly attacking innocent people with his "opinion." Thank God not many people waste their valuable time on him. Shame on you!!

    February 26, 2013 at 11:01 PM

    Amen! I saw that and it was totally undeserved.

  64. First of all, stop acting like children and show some respect. His name is JAKE Day. Any more comments calling him anything other will be rejected. You've been warned.

  65. You tell 'em Joke Albero!

  66. Anonymous said...
    The fire departments around here are a joke. You have a select few that run them and the rest have to jump through hoops to try to satisfy them. You have people in charge that have no business being in charge or anything. They can't keep their own life in check let alone things at the department. They all want to wear what ever title they are given but don't want all the responsibilities that come with it. It's all in who you know and who you rub elbows with.

    February 26, 2013 at 5:55 PM

    This goes on in Public Works also and in ALL City Departments...this city is a complete joke! Kiss the butt and you'll go far!

  67. The best thing to do is to ignore JT and not even visit his site.
    It's too the point where I think he just doesn't know any better due to his lack of upbringing.
    Everytime he writes something like that 11:01 it reflects on not only him but his mother and father and the poor job they did of instilling morals, good taste and values in him.


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