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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

'Buy a Shotgun!'


  1. That old dinosaur probably isn't even aware that there are semi-automatic shotguns, load it with pumpkin balls and you can really rip through some flesh.

  2. Women love to shoot my AR...
    double tap!

  3. We can't help he's mentally I'll and shouldn't own a gun. But he's a political figure and has many. Can't take his away just because he is mentally ill

  4. Uncle Joe never misses an opportunity to put his ignorance on full display.

  5. Gerald, retired Detroit copFebruary 27, 2013 at 9:22 AM

    Great video, loved the cute gals. It takes a weighty woman to use a 12 ga. With buck shot or slugs, birdshot not so much, but real defensive loads of OO Buck or a 1 oz. slug kick pretty badly for a normal size woman of 115 to 125 pounds. Because of the use of small Vietnamese men and later women in our armed forces the 223. Caliber was perfect, hence, its use in the AR’s and of course the military’s M-16 rifle. As for not needing 30 rounds, in a stressful shooting situation, you’re probably going to miss your target a few times, (Trained Police hit only 30% of the time in an actual shooting), so lots of extra bullets ARE necessary, you keep shooting till the threat is down and not moving! Biden is senile, and his son not much better.

  6. OMG! thanks Joe, that was great. I haven't laught so hard in a long time.

  7. Funny, very funny, and true.

  8. Could you imagine that drunken Uncle Joe could be president if something were to happen to BHO. Maybe that was the plan in choosing him as VP, sort of a "It could be worse" warning to potential assassins.


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