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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Poll: Majority of U.S. Citizens Say Illegal Aliens Should Be Deported

This one is big, and will no doubt come as a shock to the Washington establishment.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released tonight shows that more than half of U.S. citizens believe that most or all of the country’s 11 million illegal immigrants should be deported.

After a series of dueling polls between the AP and other liberal news organizations and anti-amnesty groups such as FAIR and the Center for Immigration Studies, this is the first mainstream media poll to show a clear majority supporting deportations over amnesty.

Reuters notes that the poll “highlights the difficulties facing lawmakers trying to reform the U.S. immigration system. The online survey shows resistance to easing immigration laws despite the biggest push for reform in Congress since 2007.”


  1. LOL! Like that's going to happen.

  2. Yes we should deport them and give Americans more jobs.

    But if we just made it impossible for them to work here most would self deport. Well as long as we also eliminated all benefits to them. Seems a lot of illegals always have food stamps to buy food.

  3. Get rid of them now and close off our borders. Place lookout towers along the Rio Grand with snipers and shoot the illegals as they try to swim or float across.

  4. You don't need to deport anyone! Stop acting as if its the immigrants are the bad guys here; they are only trying to feed their families. We need to be going after the businesses hiring these individuals. They are the ones cheating the average American worker. Shut down the labor market to illegals and they will self deport.

  5. you can start with the Olive Garden in Salisbury. The whole kitchen staff except for a few are of the hispanic descent. You think the meal may be prepared by the "Italian Chefs as they have advertised, think again. Next follow the landscapers in the area and you will only make a dent. If "they" all leave it would free up some of the unemployment obstacles this country faces. As long as these people are being employed illegally, your wages will stay at the bottom of the chart

  6. 4:15 AM is not only an idiot, but a soft hearted liberal moron. YES MORON they are the bad guys. They are not immigrants they are ILLEGAL ALIENS who came into this country illegally and many of them smuggled drugs and more people illegals in this country illegally.

    We are the VICTIMS because they are getting welfare, food stamps, housing and other vouchers that your Democrats are stealing from us to give to them. Many of them are committing crimes and murdering Border Patrol agents and Texas Police officers as well as others. Many of them are in jails and in our very own towns starting gangs to commit crime and murder. Have you ever heard of MS 13!! Now go crawl back under your rock. You make me sick!

  7. Deportation is a must. Send them home and let them get in line, meet protocols, and begin the path to legal immigration if there is any America left after Obama.

  8. Deportation is a must. Send them home and let them get in line, meet protocols, and begin the path to legal immigration if there is any America left after Obama.

  9. America better roll up their sleeves.Deportation would free up a whole lot of jobs that WE have not been willing to do.If this poll suggests that the majority of Americans are ready and willing to get down and dirty upon their departure, then great,but somehow I don't think that's the case.Would the same majority sign up to replace them job for job?

  10. How about the word "illegal"....those who come her in the right way should have the right to stay and become citizens, but others should be deported.


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