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Thursday, February 21, 2013

O’Malley Bill To Repeal Maryland Death Penalty Clears Senate Panel

Gov. Martin O’Malley’s bill to abolish Maryland’s death penalty cleared a tall hurdle Thursday evening as a key Senate committee approved the measure for the first time and sent it to the full chamber for a vote next week.

The same Senate panel, which voted 6 to 5 for the repeal bill, also began plodding through dozens of proposed amendments to sweeping gun-control legislation, another top O’Malley priority, in a voting session that stretched into the night.

Senators were weighing changes to the bill, which would ban assault weapons, preclude more mental health patients from purchasing firearms, tighten school security and impose some of the strictest gun-licensing requirements in the country. 



  1. Once again, the victims are dead for a long, long, time. Those who caused this are able to continue life (even in prison); their families can visit,talk and see them.
    I'm sure the folks who killed by Grandison and Vernon ??, have family member who still suffer from their deaths.

  2. Nice work Governor O"Dumbass one less thing murderers will have to worry about I just hope your family is never harmed by these animals ,you will certainly regret your liberal way then.

  3. So we will now spend $120,000 a year to retain a killer in prison until he or she dies, and O'Malley and Obama want to increase the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour. The voters in this state have lost their minds. How in the Hell can any voter in Maryland admit they are a Democrat. I will now call out Geoff Smoot to respond. I can't hear you!

  4. 11:13 I agree with your issue. So, now under the liberal law, I can kill 1,000 people and two women with big boosomies, and get free health care, dental , and free vision care at no cost. I still cant hear from Mr. Smoot yet. I'm calling you out Mr. smoot. You are really good at having your liberal issues printed by the Daily Times, so, whatach goin to do now. Sorry, Groundhog day is over.

  5. There is just no end to all the things this wonderful Governor brings to the people he represents. I wonder if he thinks of these things all by himself?

  6. Prisoners are CRIMINALS. They murder, they rape children, they terrorize and burgularize and steal! May you experience some of this with your loved ones Gov and then maybe you will not feel these low lifes, who are and never will be anything productive to society should not be fed, clothed, given warm bedding, TV's, playstations, libraries, college educations(which they will never use). Yeah they get all of this and more for all their life. ....and we pay for it! I believe in an eye for an eye and don't believe these low lifes deserve the air they breathe. I say we should follow Texas and get rid of them and do it quickly! Many do crimes just to get in prison cause its better than what they are use to on the streets so now they will know they won't have to worry about the death penalty so we will have more and more and more. Just disgusting that we have politicians who to be so smart are dumb as hell!

  7. That's his problem. He don't thinks.

  8. Ok so here in Maryland we rejoice in the murder of babies - innocents who never had a chance.


    We give those murderous thugs life in prison at our expense for killing and taking the lives of people.

  9. They're giving criminals free reign. Disarm the people, no severe penalty for crimes committed... thanks for protecting the taxpayers.

  10. The government is wasting so much time inventing laws to take guns away from law abiding citizens all over this country, but not one elected official has mentioned taking guns away from the criminals who are committing crimes on innocent victims. It's time for you soft hearted liberals who voted for Obama and O'Malley to wake up before you and your innocent children are slaughtered.

  11. Liberalism is a form of mental illness i.e. kill innocent babies coddle muderous scum. Liberals are destroying this country. They must be stopped by whatever means necessary.

  12. You have to understand there are some really bad people in this world. And on a regular basis you have to thin the herd.

  13. with death penalty repeal the influx of the criminal element will overwhelm law enforcement.

  14. Chuck Cook has guns he owns an automatic pistol, kisses O'Malley's butt, sucks up to Ireton. Where does he stand with this liberal agenda?

  15. This pretty much shows that Democrats support criminals. The point is, prisons are big business and line the pockets of those that purchase products from venders. If someone would investigate the individual purchasing agents for prisons, you will find that it leads directly to elected officials.


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