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Thursday, February 14, 2013

NRA Never Again


  1. And don't think it couldn't happen here. If O'Malley could he would, just to get his name in the MSM.

  2. Every registered gun owner is an easy victim for these types of government-induced crimes.

  3. They are disarming us because Sharia Law is Coming.

  4. When they try to do it again, start shooting.

  5. Good job to all the cops nothing like bum rushing a 70 year old lady bet you feel all like big bad tough guys. Whats it feel like to piss all over the constitution,to take orders you know are illegal . So i ask you leos why do you think the American people are turning aginst the police. Can you blame the people? Time to step up and be Americans live with honer you took an oath if you don't have the guts to up hold it then its time to step down.

  6. Where are all the cops who say "we wouldn't do those things!"? Instead, its "we were just following orders." The VERY SAME THING the nazi SS troops said about what THEY did at Nuremburg. Cops WILL come to your house (in force) and do this very same thing. They LIVE for these exciting operations. Only in some places most of them will be taken away in body bags. There's a BIG difference in 3 tough guy cops body slamming and punching a 70 year old lady while 5 other cops make sure no one "interferes" with "justice" and trying to disarm military veterans who actually know how to fight back. And hit what they aim at. As soon as the neighbors saw this starting, they should have taken up firing positions, cut off retreat and reinforcements and killed every one of those modern day storm troopers. Didn't look like (to me) the cops brought enough men to a real fight with people who have something to defend. Like their homes, their property and their freedom. You know, the stuff that our forefathers fought for. Right here in the USA.


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