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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Closed-Door Meetings On Gun Control Criticized In Maryland

When Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s controversial gun-control bill came up last week in the state Senate, lawmakers held an open hearing that drew more than 1,000 people and lasted more than eight hours.

But so far, members of the House have considered the proposal in secret, with the speaker and other key lawmakers meeting with lobbyists, experts and state officials in a closed-door conference room that has been off-limits to the public.

The 16 members of the group — dubbed the House Working Group on Gun Safety — were assembled by House Speaker Michael E. Busch (D-Anne Arundel) to consider what could be some of the nation’s strictest gun-control measures. 



  1. That's because they don't give two shots about life and saving it... IT is just about MONEY in the end and with Maryland, it deals with Obama... You see Fartin O'faily wants gun control because Obama is pushing it and since Fartin O'faily is in love with Obama bin laden and wants to be senator or president he does as the others do to be in the same "GROUP"...

    This is how STUPID most of you aka Americans are... NOTHING THEY PROPOSED WILL SAVE A LIFE... For me to have to go finger printing, background check and do two safety courses just to pay to get a licence in which it says I can own a gun, only to go in each time to buy a gun and have to do a background check and pay for that to, please tell me how that saves lives???? HOW????

    Also let me riddle you this:

    HOW DOES DOING A BACKGROUND CHECK TO GET A LICENCE AND PAYING FOR IT AND RENEWING IT in which it says you are OK to own and buy a gun, to turn around to have to get a background check done each time I buy a gun, and have to pay for the check save lives or what is the point of the licence if you STILL NEED A BACKGROUND CHECK?

    IF MARYLAND already makes you do a background check EACH and EVERY time you buy a gun, then WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF A LICENCE?

    Again I state ONLY FOR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Mark said

    9:49 It would be a pleasure to meet you at the OC town hall meeting with Andy Harris on Saturday at 12:00. Concerned citizens ready to make a difference need to meet and organize.

  3. I'll add that we already have SECRET "detentions" of American citizens (!), without charges, too. Then secret trials (in America!), then American citizens (!!) are sent to secret prisons. Often because of evidence found in secret warrantless searches. And "we, the people" have actually CHEERED! So, laws, especially ones designed to limit and restrict our Constitutional rights to RESIST them (it ain't about hunting, you big dummies), being debated in SECRET (they are SUPPOSED to answer to and represent the people--- and NOT behind closed doors) it oughta be one helleva wake up call to people who believe in the CONSENT of the governed. They (the "leaders") are SO bathed in their own importance and power, they think they can do this and "we, the people" either can't or won't do anything. And I ain't talking about another election cycle to get some NEW pompous idiots, either.

  4. Imclain, don't you have a bunker or spider hole you can crawl back in to?

  5. 12:20 Why don't you crawl back into the hole you keep your head in?

  6. 12:20 obama has left the room you can now get off your knees.

  7. 12:20. point out the error in my statements. Oh, right. You can't. Because they are FACTUAL. Perhaps you should consider waking up from the dream of "everything is working great". Argue the facts. You're OK with your "representatives" having SECRET debates about our RIGHTS?! WTF are you thinking?

  8. Imclain: Do you notice the low information Obaminites never can respond sensibly to facts presented to them on how out of control our government is and how much their freedom in is danger. They can only come up with personal insults. It is a display of their intellect and character. They are just useless eaters that will be collateral damage when the SHTF. Keep the faith brother. There is a growing number of on-the-fence folks that are being forced to take a stand one way or the other. Only two choices; Become a socialist plantation slave or take this country back.

  9. Land of the free home of the brave. Libs are not welcome.


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