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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lawmakers Debate Eliminating Speed Cameras In Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - While most eyes in Annapolis are focused on gun control and the gas tax, several bills to address speed cameras are being actively discussed, including one measure that would eliminate the cameras altogether.

State Sen. E.J. Pipkin, R-Cecil, introduced the bill on Feb. 1.

"We've had three years of experience related to this," Pipkin said at a Senate Judicial Proceedings hearing on Wednesday in reference to Baltimore, which scrapped its speed camera system after several drivers received bogus tickets.

Pipkin says drivers are more likely to change their behavior if a police officer pulls them over to issue a ticket. He says receiving a ticket in the mail makes drivers feel as though Big Brother is watching.



  1. Speed cameras are nothing more then goverment taking more money.


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