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Thursday, February 07, 2013

Immigration 'Reform' Will Turn The US Into A Police State

Whenever the federal government decides to reform something we can be fairly sure that the problem is about to get worse, especially if they call the plan bi-partisan. The bi-partisan immigration reform proposal launched last week in the US Senate will be no different.

The new plan, introduced by Sens. McCain and Schumer, would provide a path to citizenship for many of those in the United States illegally. This would only begin after the borders are deemed secure and applicants have paid fees for their illegal entry. They must also pay back taxes on their earnings while working here without government permission. Those on a path to citizenship would be subject to background checks and would be monitored while in the US.

The devil is in the details, and the details of the McCain plan are deeply disturbing. To secure the borders he is calling for a massive increase in drones flying over US territory, spying on US citizens along the border – and presumably within the 100 mile "border zone" over which Department of Homeland Security claims jurisdiction. What if these drones detect suspicious activity unrelated to illegal immigration? Imagine the implications for the federal government's disastrous war on drugs. Imagine what's left of the Fourth Amendment completely tossed into the trashcan. The "privatized" prison system in the US that now benefits from the war on drugs and illegal immigration will no doubt look forward to booming business thanks to the army of drones overhead.



  1. Conservatives who support cracking down on immigrants, forcing every employer to use e-verify, and all the other things to combat illegal immigration are supporting measures that destroy our freedom and empower Big Government. You can't be for individual liberty and limited government and also support laws against illegal immigration.

  2. Round them up and ship them home.

    I'm tired of hearing the crap that there are too many. Bullcrap!

  3. Anonymous said...
    Conservatives who support cracking down on immigrants, forcing every employer to use e-verify, and all the other things to combat illegal immigration are supporting measures that destroy our freedom and empower Big Government. You can't be for individual liberty and limited government and also support laws against illegal immigration.

    February 7, 2013 at 3:21 PM

    What a liberal moron. There are laws for a reason and there has to be laws.

  4. "Turn it into a police state"?.. In my opinion it is already almost there...

  5. "What a liberal moron. There are laws for a reason and there has to be laws."

    I'm probably far more conservative than you. The difference between you and me, however, is that when I say I believe in the Constitution, individual liberty, and the free market, I mean it.

    "There are laws for a reason" -- spoken like a true apologist for Big Government. So when the assault weapon ban passes, you'll gladly support it? I'm sure you love the septic bill, too.

    If you want to give up your capacity to reason to the idiots in DC and Annapolis, go ahead. Blindly follow the laws they pass, never questioning them. I'll choose to think for myself, however.

  6. Commerades,the police state is upon us.

  7. Commerades,the police state is upon us.

    February 7, 2013 at 10:32 PM

    And when the means of self protection and resistance is removed/confiscated/registered, it will be total.

    Then some of you can REALLY enjoy your gun ban you so desperately wanted.

    You know-it-alls will starve, be imprisoned, killed and enslaved along with the rest of us.

    I wonder how many friends you will have then?

  8. Already here.
    Look at L.A. DC. Chicago.
    geez, Rt. 13 in Princess Anne.


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