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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Governors Agree: Avoid The Sequester

Sequestration is no way to go about gutting the federal budget, a bipartisan group of governors agreed today on "Face the Nation." But whether the effects of the blind, across-the-board cuts scheduled to trigger March 1 will hurt their states' constituents as drastically and immediately as the White House is warning, they said, remains to be seen.

"I think the effects will be significant, and people will feel them," Gov. John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., predicted. The cuts, if Congress fails to replace them this week, will dramatically slash defense programs, force furloughs for government employees across agencies, slow airport procedures and reduce the number of security agents on the border, among a host of other things. Hickenlooper noted in particular the "impossible choices" weighing on the Department of Education, which would see billions in cuts to Head Start and school budget items like teacher salaries.

But the doomsday scenario being painted by President Obama might not be all that, Gov. Jan Brewer, R-Ariz., argued. She cited the continuing resolution (CR) of 2013, which, as a stopgap, has only set funding for the government until March 27 instead of through the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30. In the four-week window in which Congress must extend the CR or risk shutting down the government, there may be a chance to roll into it a package to replace the sequester.



  1. $95 billion dollars sounds like a lot of money. If we only did not make one fighter plane. This is a drop in the bucket from which we spend...It is like our family budget not going out to dinner once a month.
    The government is trying to scare the citizens and doing a good job of it. and Grandma may not get her social security check this month..when it was already mailed.
    The government is a bunch of FOOLS.

  2. If the governors are against it. I am for it. 'Nuff said.

    This is stupid crap and has to stop.
    What a dog and pony show for the sheeple!. GAWD!


  3. I'm surprized ANYONE would have the stones to tell a LIE as BIG as
    OweMalley being a Bi-partisan governor.
    ANYONE who would believe that would believe the old woman that lived in the shoe.
    OweMalley is the poster child for tax and spend Democrats.
    Not to discount the fact, HE IS A LIAR to the bone,and his worry is the same as OweBamas', NOT TO CUT ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS. There it is folks, THE REAL TRUTH OF THE MATTER.
    Luckily, Boehners' job is on the line this trip so suck it up boys, she's gettin ready to BLOW!!!

    Bob Aswell

  4. Obummer came up with the SEAquester as a political extortion maneuver, a spending cut that the sheeple and media would scream so loud about that it would give Obummer the cards for yet another tax increase. Looks like the republicans (if they can actually find the backbone) might actually call Obummer's bluff and let the cuts begin. The government has got to start somewhere and nobody is going to like it but it is still better than the country going bankrupt with Greece-like results.

  5. I say let it ride.
    Can't get cuts any other way from the a$$e$.


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