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Sunday, February 24, 2013


Freedom is lost with every passing day. Government has become Leviathan, a ruthless master which serves only itself. It has become pure force, unanswerable to anyone. George Washington’s warning has taken on new meaning:
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

The Lord Acton vision of the corruption as a function of power has been demonstrated by our very own government. The Rule of Law and Constitutional constraints no longer matter, it seems. Rule by tyranny is so much easier and has displaced the constraints that enabled America to become great and successful.

Examples of the abuse of power now abound. Recent treatment of the ratings agencies is but one example. The ratings agencies dared tell the truth about the US government’s financial condition. They did so by lowering their ratings on US government securities. That is the business they are in and that is what they are supposed to do when conditions warrant.


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